It's incredibly easy to argue with feminists. Simply find a position that they're going on about and then think about how it relates to men. In this case it's a simple argument in favor of gender equality. Men are expected to protect themselves. We cannot even open doors for feminists without them spazzing * i can do it myself * . ok. so you can open doors for yourself. that self-determinacy means you can protect yourself against violent assailants too because you don't *need* a man's help. pwnt
Shit, I've been punched for holding a door open before. Three times. Now I save that courtesy for little old ladies and people with their hands full, who will fucking appreciate it.
I'm going to take a bit of a middle ground on this subject. Yes, women absolutely need to do a better job of taking responsibility for not putting themselves in risky situations.
And there is an actual problem with rape culture.
Often times when a woman who can barely stand is being dragged around, no one questions it, or if they do, they don't put any effort into finding out if the situation is actually shady or not. That's rape culture. Universities actively discourage reports of rape to protect their reputations, as opposed to finding the perpetrator. That's rape culture. Any time someone makes any excuse equating 'she deserved it because X', that's rape culture. Some guy seem to believe that as long as they aren't actively being fought off, it's ok. That's rape culture. Good god, look at Stubenville, that's super rape culture right there.
Enjoying the scenery, or even making a fair attempt to go camping in it, is
not, no matter how much some of the misandrists (I refuse to lump man-haters in with actual feminists) claim it is.
All that said, I'm completely on board with people who say women need to watch themselves. Don't get blackout drunk, don't lose track of your beverage. It can be a dangerous world out there, don't be reckless.
I seriously doubt that there are as many cases of 'got drunk and regret it' as people like to claim. I'm sure it happens from time to time, but it's used as a blanket excuse to ignore the real situation.
The thing I have a hard time understanding is why women are so reluctant to report rapists. I know a few victims that didn't report, and only one had a reasonable excuse for it (she had 5 older brothers, and they would have quite probably killed the guy if they knew who he was, which she felt was too extreme.)