Imagine breaking into a school with a hot plate, plugging it in, and taking a shit on it. I wonder if you could permanently ruin a building with scent. There are incredibly foul smelling substances. Imagine milliliters being enough to render an area unbearable to human beings, using an HVAC system to spread it, or aerosolizing it. It could actually be an incredibly cost-effective and much easier form of destruction/t3r1sm.
Or destroying the ozone layer. Finding something incredibly effective at it and creating a factor simply to produce it and release it into the atmosphere. Oh, that falls under plans to exterminate the human race. wonder what would happen if you took psychedelics as often as possible (taking tolerance into account) while taking this drug.
According to the author of "The Spirit Molecule"
There is no tolerance to exogenous DMT administration: we gave a big dose every half-hour, 4 times in a morning, and people's 4th trip was as intense as their first.
So you could potentially cycle extended DMT sessions (like ayahuasca) with LSD and other drugs.
I swear, if I was born an Aryan during the Nazi period and psychedelics had been known about I would have forced this on select Jewish children. Lied and brainwashed them, manipulated them, for optimal performance. I wouldn't want them to suffer, there would be no need for that, I mean making things more comfortable for them, easier to accept, more likely to have positive experiences. Although I'm skeptical, there are interesting mentions of "paranormal" abilities being witnessed by some who used LSD for psychotherapy when it was still legal, and other strange reports scattered about.
It reminded me of my idea to learn what the most potentially valuable "forbidden" experiments there are. Things that are considered unethical, for which an alternative for gathering the data isn't available. You could be a type of serial killer that kidnaps people and performs them. There are some horrifying things you can do to a brain.
Oh, back to the drug, it could potentially have incredible benefit, but possibly harm as well. For example, what if you continue your current lifestyle, something along the lines of sploo, LSD, Semiazas, and it only enables your brain to negatively adapt much more rapidly and profoundly.
Don't know what abilities/skills would be best to try to develop/improve under this.