What I had in mind was mostly aptitude/IQ type questions, perhaps some other instruments come up as i think of them.
What for? The field of psychometrics is already pretty well developed. There's no way you're going to produce anything significantly better than what's already available, the correlations with g are just too high, or novel. Raven's progressive matrices is already the best standard, unless you want to measure "verbal intelligence". You've said before "psychometrics is hardly a real science", and hopefully you didn't assume that just off a few wikipedia articles.
If you really want to get into the meat of it, the fundamentals, this is pretty much the bible:
http://www.amazon.com/The-Factor-Evolution-Behavior-Intelligence/dp/0275961036Long and dry, has statistical analysis. Good luck getting through it, I didn't, but I may pick it up again one day.
Send me some Parnate Malice
http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:JnFUfQig8ooJ:zoklet.net/bbs/archive/index.php/t-304792-p-26.html+&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=usPiles of Crack
07-15-2014, 11:24 AM
Open a vein Malice
If you want I could PM you the email of my source. Try to haggle as hard as you can, I want to see what the lowest they'd be willing to go is, and ask for CoAs for both tranylcypromine and phenelzine (don't use the trade names). Let me see the CoAs if he gives them to you and the lowest price you can get so I can see if everything still checks out.
If social anxiety/difficulty is your main problem, try Nardil. Healthy social relationships, intimacy, are by far the biggest factor for you and me, and this will make things much easier. Let's not fool ourselves. IIRC there's been at least one study that showed it's even more effective than Xanax,
and you'll have the effect constantly without tolerance or withdrawals!
If you need a stimulant boost, you can augment it with very low doses (starting around 1mg, but some people can go up to 30) of Dexedrine or the equivalent from Vyvanse. Other stims may work as long as the effect on serotonin is around equal to or lower. I'd like to see how 2-fma interacts with it, but serotonin syndrome is pretty serious, although you can easily buy what you'd need in case of an emergency and carry it in a wallet, same for a hypertensive crisis:
http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=9702Parnate may be overall better on it's own, except for anxiety. You could possibly augment it with tian ma/gastrodia elata (extract) (gaba-t inhibitor) or gotu kola, which may activate the enzyme that produces GABA from glutamate. Glutamate levels may be elevated in those with depression and other disorders. A search of the NCBI produced some interesting lengthy papers on glutamatergic hypotheses.
And as I've said before, the risks are ridiculously overblown. You're already willing to try, but if you ever have some doubts, think of this: You told me before you weren't willing to because there were too many interactions, but were both largely using drugs to self-medicate, which we wouldn't need if we were healthy. Drugs don't even make me feel good anymore, they just make things bearable, or mildly pleasant, which is the best you can often hope for relative to how you normally feel. Would you rather feel good all the time or momentarily and deal with all the negatives of drugs, the withdrawal/rebound, health effects, unsustainability etc.? We both know there's no way this is going to work out, I've accepted it, and that standard mild antidepressants aren't going to cut it. Even esketamine doesn't have that strong an effect on depression rating scales.
The reduction was statistically significant, and shows an important role for glutamate in anhedonia, however clinically going from a score on SHAPS from 36 to 30 is still... well... clinically significantly anhedonic.
For comparison, in this group, after 14 days the Ketamine group had a reduction in MADRS score from averaging about 38 to about 34. Compare this to (Guelfi, J. D., N. Strub, and H. Loft. "Efficacy of intravenous citalopram compared with oral citalopram for severe depression: safety and efficacy data from a double-blind, double-dummy trial." Journal of affective disorders 58.3 (2000): 201-209.) IV or tablet citalopram reduces MADRS scores from about 38 to about 17. This is a bit of apples-to-oranges, as the ketamine study was looking at bipolar patients with treatment resistant depression, and the citalopram study was not. But I am using this to show what a RESPONSE in depression looks like