God damn the thing I hate the most about this online class is how the professor forces us to reply to the other students' writing, as if I care about a single one of their vapid uninteresting opinions
It's a herculean task to vomit out 200 words of filler
Also, this city's attempt at smart lights fucking SUCKS. I'm so sick of getting nothing but reds because the green trips for like 10 fucking seconds if that.
Those 10 second green light drive me fucking nuts. I just trow the shifter over to manul sport, slap it down to 2nd gear and brap through sideways. Thank god we dont have redlight cams yet
dude, in the BMW I had no prob with that, I'd see the green and smash the gas and that torquey lil 267ci would sail me right thru.
In a 4 banger truck it tries, and tries, but it just can't do it. last night I was like 5 seconds too late thru the intersection, kind of a miracle I didn't get hit