Author Topic: Welcome to society  (Read 2740 times)

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Offline Really Awesome Nickname

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Welcome to society
« on: October 30, 2014, 08:12:06 pm »
a bit over 10'000 years of known social evolution have left us in an age where we are granted the birthright to become slaves to owners who'se faces we never see, and we try to do our best for them so they grant us the privilege to buy from them the food we need to live and that stuff we worked so much in making for them, in order to impress them. And we call it freedom.

This also goes pretty much to prove how atheism is unreal, since everything is pretty much about this, to serve that annonimous entity that runs the world. A man-made God.

Offline Infinityshock

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Re: Welcome to society
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2014, 08:21:19 pm »
Its human nature...

The only thing that changes is the method of enslavement.


Offline Really Awesome Nickname

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Re: Welcome to society
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2014, 01:29:03 pm »
Politics is a theatre and war a tv show, and religion is something we tell our kids at night to send them to sleep.

Offline Rook

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Re: Welcome to society
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2014, 02:03:28 pm »
I generally dont think about politics or religion... ponder too long, and your hooked into the trap yourself. Short of finding life on another planet, or a real world war.. most discussion on those subjects are.. well...
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Offline Rationahl

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Re: Welcome to society
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2014, 02:58:35 pm »
So why don't you move to the wilderness and live off the land? Oh wait, because you're a giant pussy and couldn't survive one fucking day outside the shit hole city you live in. What, you want people to come along and give you shit for free? Ain't nothing free you stupid bitch. You either gotta get yourself or pay someone else to. For trying to be all intellectual and ponderous you just sound like some fucking retard who got retweeted in my feed. Woooahhhh bro, you're so deep. Just shut up and keep crashing at your moms place until you really find out what it's like to have to pay(work) to live. Enjoy it while you can you lazy shit
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Offline Arnox

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Re: Welcome to society
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2014, 03:50:50 pm »
So why don't you move to the wilderness and live off the land? Oh wait, because you're a giant pussy and couldn't survive one fucking day outside the shit hole city you live in. What, you want people to come along and give you shit for free? Ain't nothing free you stupid bitch. You either gotta get yourself or pay someone else to. For trying to be all intellectual and ponderous you just sound like some fucking retard who got retweeted in my feed. Woooahhhh bro, you're so deep. Just shut up and keep crashing at your moms place until you really find out what it's like to have to pay(work) to live. Enjoy it while you can you lazy shit

This, but with a lot less hostility.

Time is always against you in some way or another.


Offline Built To Last

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Re: Welcome to society
« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2014, 05:15:49 pm »
OP, you sound to me like a Marxist. Basically, you're saying that society is fundamentally a system of oppression and that religion, as an element of society, is a manipulative tool for keeping individuals complacent with the status quo. Marx famously said that religion was the "opiate of the masses". That is, Religion justified their very oppression. If God preordained certain people to be in positions of dominance, the God also made other people to be in positions of subservience. Picture in your mind's eye the image of God as Divine Lord, Universal King, and Cosmic Judge. One can easily see how society models itself on religious ideas, thereby justifying the entire societal enterprise. And it was clear to Marx that the solution to this problem was for the oppressed class to rise up and revolt against their oppressors.

Personally, I'm not so sure that this is the case. Moreover, I don't think this is an accurate analysis of what exactly society and religion are. At any rate, OP, I heartily condone the practice, as others have suggested, of leaving society to dwell in the wilderness. Happy hunting, OP!

Offline slicknickns

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Re: Welcome to society
« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2014, 05:19:54 pm »
I think my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has made all of us equal.
Just like totse, you show up one day to find everything has gone to shit a week before

Offline Max Headroom

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Re: Welcome to society
« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2014, 05:25:28 pm »
Politics and Religion are just 2 words that try to define something like in this day and age anything makes sense. I believe in God and have been praying every night my whole life minus a 2 year edgy period when I was 11 or 12. Politics is just a bunch of actors in make up taking a whole lot of nonsense. Watch fox news on a regular basis and watch as your personal delusions turn into freedom land and 4am bullshit.

Offline Lanny

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Re: Welcome to society
« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2014, 05:17:19 pm »
I was going to reply but then I cut myself on all that edge in OP.

Offline Really Awesome Nickname

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Re: Welcome to society
« Reply #10 on: November 06, 2014, 02:25:04 pm »
OP, you sound to me like a Marxist. Basically, you're saying that society is fundamentally a system of oppression and that religion, as an element of society, is a manipulative tool for keeping individuals complacent with the status quo. Marx famously said that religion was the "opiate of the masses". That is, Religion justified their very oppression. If God preordained certain people to be in positions of dominance, the God also made other people to be in positions of subservience. Picture in your mind's eye the image of God as Divine Lord, Universal King, and Cosmic Judge. One can easily see how society models itself on religious ideas, thereby justifying the entire societal enterprise. And it was clear to Marx that the solution to this problem was for the oppressed class to rise up and revolt against their oppressors.

Personally, I'm not so sure that this is the case. Moreover, I don't think this is an accurate analysis of what exactly society and religion are. At any rate, OP, I heartily condone the practice, as others have suggested, of leaving society to dwell in the wilderness. Happy hunting, OP!
Im not talking about religion really. In fact, I actually approach the whole religion idea as a set of guidelines aimed somehow at instructing you what deed is good and prosperous for someone as a person and society as a whole, but rather than taking it's practical meaning into action, everybody (who chooses to pay any least of attention to any religious scripture) just stupidly sticks to the fairy tale part of the whole thing where God and Buddha are magicians, Muhammad the master of the Power Rangers, Buddha a shape-shifting "Highlander the Immortal" and where one doesn't even need to be a beneficial member of society and can instead be a fucking scar because it's all cool because Jesus Fucking Christ already laid his trump "free out of jail" card and spared us from any punishment or regrets should we inflict evil upon the world.

Im not going with marx or anyone, I simply state that the falacy of life we live in is completely hypocritical.
I.E: In ancient times, criminals would be bloodily slaughtered in public or humiliated. We do not do that now because of "human rights", or at least that's what we say, we just throw them in a cage where someone else does it for us and we play blind.

In ancient times, when a harvest would not yield for the population, human sacrifices were made or "ritual wars" were made, which's purpose was once again, to kill for or capture prisioners to sacrifice "for the Gods". According to history, these things made sense, but not because they made their gods happy. Taking out the overpopulation this way meant that no-one starved to death, hence civilians would not kill themselves over food and the tribe would survive the draught peacefully. In modern days, the exact same shit happens, only it happens in silence to most of us civilians. All we know is there is a lot of violence going on in the places of the world where the most valuable natural resources are and where food, health and leisure are competed and not accessible to everyone. And all we know is each time, more heavily armed police forces, military and private secirity armies engage with armed civilians and rebels who are native to the places being invaded by whealty multinational companies and people; and that these polices and armies go round gathering up for arrest anything that looks foreign to them, then they kill it. It is still competence and population control in order to make natural resources accesible for some, but we dont know about it, to us it is just unfortunate war, and as far as we go, it is caused because some douche just wants to be a douche.

Offline Lanny

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Re: Welcome to society
« Reply #11 on: November 06, 2014, 06:06:39 pm »
Im not going with marx or anyone, I simply state that the falacy of life we live in is completely hypocritical.

Offline FON

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Re: Welcome to society
« Reply #12 on: November 06, 2014, 11:37:54 pm »
OP, you sound to me like a Marxist. Basically, you're saying that society is fundamentally a system of oppression and that religion, as an element of society, is a manipulative tool for keeping individuals complacent with the status quo. Marx famously said that religion was the "opiate of the masses". That is, Religion justified their very oppression. If God preordained certain people to be in positions of dominance, the God also made other people to be in positions of subservience. Picture in your mind's eye the image of God as Divine Lord, Universal King, and Cosmic Judge. One can easily see how society models itself on religious ideas, thereby justifying the entire societal enterprise. And it was clear to Marx that the solution to this problem was for the oppressed class to rise up and revolt against their oppressors.

Personally, I'm not so sure that this is the case. Moreover, I don't think this is an accurate analysis of what exactly society and religion are. At any rate, OP, I heartily condone the practice, as others have suggested, of leaving society to dwell in the wilderness. Happy hunting, OP!

Im not going with marx or anyone, I simply state that the falacy of life we live in is completely hypocritical.
I.E: In ancient times, criminals would be bloodily slaughtered in public or humiliated. We do not do that now because of "human rights", or at least that's what we say, we just throw them in a cage where someone else does it for us and we play blind.

I'm not so sure our penal system was reformed solely out of concern for prisoner's welfare. Foucault, for instance, argues that the reforms that occurred through the 1700's and 1800's were actually targeted at achieving a more effective and efficient system of punishment.

Offline LiquidIce

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Re: Welcome to society
« Reply #13 on: November 09, 2014, 11:36:38 am »

I.E: In ancient times, criminals would be bloodily slaughtered in public or humiliated. We do not do that now because of "human rights", or at least that's what we say, we just throw them in a cage where someone else does it for us and we play blind.

Funny. Sounds like you're as primitive as the "savages" you describe.

We're finally entering an age where we can do away with throwing people in a cage and instead turn them back into members of society. All misanthropic and cynical comments about society aside, treating people like people seems like a remarkably good step.

A friend who's into criminology once told me that the Norwegian penal system is based on the assumption that criminals committed the acts they did not because of a desire to do harm, but because they simply didnt know any better and it is the society's around them fault for this - so the society can then educate them back into what it means to be a good human. To quote from a Guardian article "Now I have no desire for drugs. When I get out I want to live and have a family. Here I am learning to be able to do that.".