Author Topic: what can benzos do that accurate/swift ballpeen hammer knock to the head can't?  (Read 1449 times)

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Offline Internet-Weed-Dude

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Offline Intoxicated Shaman

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Make your dick soft, you'd get that rigor mortis boner from taking a hammer to the temple before you get hard on a handful of benzos.

Offline John Smith

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i see no objective differences

This is seriously the kid who claims to be some sort of superhuman genius?  Why don't you explain to me how exactly you'd go about causing a ballpeen hammer to exert anticonvulsant, antispasmodic, anxiolytic, muscle relaxant, sedative, OR hypnotic effects?  One, any combination, all of them, doesn't matter.  Or explain how a ballpeen hammer could cause increased efficiency of the neurotransmitter GABA?  Do you even know what GABA stands for off the top of your head?  You really don't, do you?  And you have the nerve to make one of the most facepalmworthy insults/comparisons, as close to literally dribbling with ignorance as one could get, in reference to a drug that directly and primarily affects that particular neurotransmitter?  Do you even understand how gamma amino butyric acid works?  Do you understand the feelings it primarily affects in humans?

Furthermore and on the other end of the spectrum of this question which is the textual manifestation of ignorance, have you ever even used a hammer in your life?  You don't even know what a ballpeen hammer specificially is, do you?  You just wanted to mention a specific type of hammer to sound more like you had the slighest inkling that you knew what you were talking about, but you wouldn't know the different between a ballpeen and a claw hammer if your eyeball being slammed with one depended on it, would you?  I see absolutely no reason the specific type of hammer would bear a significant or even noticeable difference upon the efficacy of the smashing of that hammer into your head replicating the effects of a psychoactive compounds which works on the GABA system.

You're either 1), such a pussyass bitch that you can't stay awake on Xanax and actually enjoy the anxiolysis, among other pleasurable effects it produces, or 2) you're too stupid to realize that if x dose causes you to knock out before being able to enjoy the high, maybe you should try x divided by 2 next time, or, more likely than either of those, you're worse than a combination of the two could ever even dream of aspiring to be?

Should I stop yet, or have you finally managed to grasp and accept the fact that you're stupid?