Give me a list of all your past signatures and I'll do an effortless breakdown of them and how you try to use "famous" peoples quotes out of context to justify your own incompetence
No. You can use my current one though.
Obvious attempt at justifying shitty mediocrity/terminal beta syndrome
You banned me for calling you beta, then made your signature an affirmation of your terminal betatude, trying to display that its on purpose because it's admirable to always suck dick.
CS lewis was a shitty, boring hack, I read the set of 7 (or 9 can't recall) when I was like 8 and was unimpressed as they kept getting progressively worse and worse. His boring, poorly written christian allegory is the type of shit adult mormons probably read for intellectual stimulation
You are actually really dumb Arnox. To the point where its sad to be aware of