The most intense drug experience which I remember enough to comment at length about was this Friday night.
My bud dealer had given me a few "molly" packs which consisted of a folic acid pill and a few capsules half filled with white powders and one capsule filled with tan powder.
the first day I received one I snorted a little bit of the powder from one of the white capsules and I felt an unpleasant sensation which turned me off to the powder he'd given me.
A week later, he gave me another and I put it away in my bud drawer for a rainy day.
Fast forward to Friday, my girl is leaving town in a couple days and our communication has been suffering a major breakdown. This frustration has made our last few days together unpleasant but we're both trying to enjoy the last of our time together for some time before she embarks on a new journey.
Anyway, while I'm waiting for her to get home on Friday I say fuck it and pop one of the sets of the pills I had. What's the worse that could happen? Today is already mad uncomfortable, and even the weed is making me feel worse.
I take the pills and the first thing I feel after some time is.. a DXM comeup. Distinctly DXM is the hotness in my head, the tinny, washed out quality to my hearing and the Play-doh like sensation my skin is beginning to take on.
My girl comes home and.. I'm on DXM, not molly like I had expected. I don't say much to her and just try to see if the high goes somewhere else.
My stomach is also doing backflips, and I figure I need to puke. This is when it feels like I've really been fooled into taking DXM instead of MDMA. I am puking and cursing my dealers name, planning a robbery. My girl is giving me bad vibes even as I have explained to her that I have been dosed with DXM and I tell her to just leave, which she doesn't.
She starts to shower, and I'm still puking when I realize I am rolling fucking balls here. I can't keep my eyes still, they are hurting from the light and my jaw is stuck together like a vice. I pick myself up off the bathroom floor and stumble my way into the bedroom and lay on the bed with my eyes closed which is the only position I can manage to stay in without vomiting more for at least the next hour.
she returns from her shower and I tell her as best as I can that in fact the pills were real but that they are coming on a bit too strong. she brings me some water and I immediately throw it up. I asked her in a hurried manner to please put on some music.. some electronic.. no some rap.. no some smoooth rap.
I begin enjoying the music and then I begin to drift off. I begin to hear a little voice inside my head telling me to wake up and I start to feel calmer than I've ever felt in my entire life. I attempted to percieve my own heartbeat but I could not feel anything and in a panic I open my eyes quickly. "Babe, I think I might be dying. It's ok though.. but google MDMA can't keep down water just in case."
She googled it, and told me to sit up and then she handed me more water which I killed.. and I was able to keep it down.
And then we held each others hands. I still couldn't open my eyes because they were wiggling too hard but I came right out and said the only thing that felt right: "you know, I cried myself to sleep last night.."
To be continued upon request.