I don't have the time right now to sort through every single response that was deleted so his claim may be legit. It may not be. Either way, all this tomfoolery ends now.
And this is why you are losing more and more respect from the userbase and your own staff the more time goes on. Because instead of "taking the time" to getting your facts in order....you acted completely out of impulse and emotion...totally contrary to your own requisites of having "serious" and "capable" staff members. Not so cool, calm, and collected like you try to portray to the masses, huh Arnox?
The point is, this is just the most RECENT case of you whining about "not having time" or "didn't read all of it" or some other petty excuse for your drive-by decision making. You aren't even TRYING to appease common sense or some sense of reason...just coming up with impulsive decisions based on knee-jerk emotion. You are blowing it Arnox, this whole place is going right to hell....and you aren't even make a sincere or competent attempt any more. Inside that naive head of yours is the thought process..."it's my place and I can do what I want'. Well, the more you cling to that ego and the rhetoric it spews, you are going to have fewer users to worry about and eventually only have YOURSELF to talk to...and eventually blame.
The only "tomfoolery" going on here is your actions and your attitudes the past several weeks. You are acting like a spastic, spoiled and entitled child....and despite how many people are trying to point you in the right direction, you still continue to ignore them and fuck all of this up.