I don't concern myself with massive ideologies. From my perspective and knowledge, I'm lead to believe that Feminism by some definition is the equality between men and women, in the sense, that women need to be respected and expected to do an equal share of work in relation to men.. but also, men need to be less idealized as the main provider.. Idk, I could way off on that.. just going on my general assumption considering I haven't cared to truly read up on it.. won't stop me from giving my opinion though.
Honestly, I could care less. I already believe that men or women have the power to do whatever the sole please.. women can work just as much as a man, is to say.. if they want to. Some lazy ass men out there too so... why not. Men are expected to be sole bread winners based on the ideologies of the past decades.. I'm currently in a relationship where me and my fiance are both highly successful in our own ways.. I like a motivated somewhat independent woman.. I think the more equality we have between men and women, the better a man and woman can work together to succeed. All the drama inbetween.. dont fucking care.