1. I don't know anything about reincarnation or karma in any non-John Lennon sense
2. Some have different interpretations of "do no harm" but the general modern consensus is it's ok to eat meat for sustenance but killing animals for sport is wrong
3. I don't believe in realized enlightenment on earth, only degrees of it and women can certainly hold esteemed leader positions, some sects are kind of sexist but that's whatever, its just hard having girls around a monastery and not having sex with them
4. Anal sex is unnatural. Sexual misconduct is pretty broad. The Dollar Lambskincondom said gays can't be buddhists back in the early 90's and since people dug up his quotes he had to backtrack. The old texts say gay guys is bad but lesbians are alright. Seriously, they do. That's pretty enlightened and progressive in my book.
5. Celibacy is only for really strict adherents, my path does not follow this as it results in "monks disease" which has caused many a monk to run from the monastery and go straight for the brothel. It's to preserve your Qi but it gets exponentially harder to control with each day that passes without blowing a load.
6. Medicine is cool but the old texts go on about natural remedies, some were groundbreaking at the time, others were poison. It really depends how you use them but since so many people fuck up taking intoxicants there's kind of a "just say no" rule but it depends where you go