Author Topic: Arnox, is this the sort of standard of moderator you want?!  (Read 3641 times)

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Offline Rizzo in a box

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Arnox, is this the sort of standard of moderator you want?!
« on: September 25, 2014, 07:59:18 am »
We need a serious explanation for this thread and the actions taken by this moderator.

Unless I am completely misreading the situation (it's possible, I haven't slept in about two days), this is the exact OPPOSITE of the kind of behavior you want, and this community needs. First of all, the personal information of LSD is STILL up there for anyone to see, second of all it has now been STICKIED, third of all it seems the only reason the mod did anything at all was because the user ASKED to be banned. Banning a user because they ASKED to be banned is some seriously juvenile shit, a very rookie mistake for a moderator to make. Banning should never be the first course of action, and you should NOT be playing fucking games with your moderator powers. They're not toys.

Thanks in advance, as I know you'll give this topic the scrutiny it needs.
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Re: Arnox, is this the sort of standard of moderator you want?!
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2014, 08:12:01 am »
mark my words it won't be shitposters, kidiots, pi cp spammers, and those attacker fuckstains the downfall of this community will be because of arnox himself you just wait and see

oh before i go i love you spectral my man for life xoxoxoxox can't wait to see you hun xoxoxoxo

Offline LegalizeSpiritualDiscovry

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Re: Arnox, is this the sort of standard of moderator you want?!
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2014, 08:16:34 am »
Just gonna copypasta some of the things I posted in that thread about how I feel about this, since I've typed enough rapid walls of text enough and am fucking tired.


I'll ban you.

Sooo you banned him but didn't delete the picture of LSD and....stickied the thread?


Seriously, wtf?  Banning him is nice and all, but that doesn't matter to me.  You're just going to leave my PI up like that?  You clearly, blatantly took a moderator action against the poster for doing that, even announced you were doing it, but you leave the PI up?

What if our roles were reversed and somebody posted your exact street address and telephone number, and I just banned them but left that information up for days and days?  This shit's ridiculous, dude.

It's just facepalmful in the first place that for no apparent reason some dude is obsessing over me to the point of harrassing me over something that happened over three years ago, while heavily exaggerating what happened to say the least, AND posting a fucking picture, and you take the time to ban him, even announce you're doing so, but leave my PI up for all to see for DAYS?  What the fuck kind of staff is on this site?

I had already been realizing how much shittier this place is compared to even Zoklet, at least when it comes to TRT (almost no TRT'ers there, just shitposters and trolls, absolutely nothing like the TRT on Zoklet, let alone the rest of the site), and now you're openly displaying that you're going to let shit like this go on?  How do you expect anyone to feel safe on here when a staff member openly and proudly made it clear that it's absolutely fine to post whatever PI you want on here?

This is just ridiculous.

Why is this stickied, I doubt it will deter anymore posting of PI

Yeah, the stickying of the thread is even more of a slap in the face.

Deter?  They're fucking encouraging it.

I PM'd Arnox.  He's online, or at least was when I sent the PM.  Accidentally emailed him first apparently; still not used to this site's layout, but then I sent it in a PM.  I had to cut it short (already a couple bigass paragraphs) so I didn't go off on the dude.  I don't know him nor have a problem with him, but I have ridiculous amounts of stress going on in my life, major life changes I'm going through and am about to go through more (I'm literally getting on a bus to a totally different state where I know no one and starting all over with like $700 to my name and not looking back at this crazyass family other than my one cousin who's cool as fuck).  I got enough shit going on, and then I come to one of the few places on the intarwebz where I should be able to chillax and have to put up with this bullshit?

The OP itself is whatever.  Some pathetic loser with such a lack of any life that he would go out of his way to do something like this when I've done nothing wrong to anybody...  yeah, that's just whatever.  I see that as what it is.  Some dude with some seeeeeerious life issues going on probably 10x worse than mine.  His life must be an absolute miserable wreck, so he feels the need to do something like this unprovoked over something that happened 3 years ago or more and has nothing to do with him.  It takes somebody at a realllly low point to feel the need to do something like that, so I can brush that off fine enough.  It probably pains the shit out of him to see that I've been doing way better at life lately than he has in probably a decade.

But anyways, like I said, that's all whatever.  It just makes me feel pity for the dude if anything at all.  People say that, but I really mean it.  That's all that post made me feel is, "Wow, what a miserable fucking person.  His life must be shit.  Poor dude."

But for a moderator to openly acknowledge seeing this shit, take action against the poster, but not only leave the fucking PI up...  but instead STICKY it.  The moderator's actions here are actually fucking worse than the OP's.  He just made it like front page Sunday paper status instead of just some lame opinion piece in the back of the paper.
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Re: Arnox, is this the sort of standard of moderator you want?!
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2014, 08:17:01 am »
I just didn't feel like taking the time to type up a whole separate rant about what is so insanely wrong about this, since I've already typed enough in those three posts and my PM to Arnox.  This needs to be addressed.  Your moderator decides to give the OP what he WANTED, by banning him, then he STICKIES the thread so instead of at least sliding back a page or two if it dies down, it's stuck up front for everyone to see...  all while deciding to not take the few fucking seconds it takes to edit out the picture?  So he can take the time to impose a ban....  to sticky a thread...  but not edit out my fucking personal information?

Either your moderator there is fucking STUPID, or he knew exactly what the fuck he was doing.  I find it hard to believe that it's not the latter.  If he's intelligent enough to know how to ban someone and to sticky a thread, he damn well knows how to edit out part of a post.  Is this what you're telling everyone here?  That if someone posts your PI, it'll get stickied and left up for DAYS?  That post was on the fucking 23rd, and it's still there.  Or is it that if a moderator happens to not have a good opinion of you, your personal information is free game for everyone?  I don't give a fuck what this dickfuck's opinion of me is, or if that's even at all the reason he decided to take this course of action.  This is absolutely fucking ridiculous.  I shouldn't have to put up with this shit from a MODERATOR.  The poster can go fuck himself.  He's probably got a shittier life than I can imagine to have the free time and animosity to decide to do something like this out of the fucking blue.  I'm not too mad at him really.  It takes a very low, miserable person to feel the need to do something like that, so if anything I pray for him that he'll find some joy in life and learn to appreciate the beauty of this existence.

Your moderator, on the other hand, is in the wrong.  Understatement of the year right there.  I'm going to stop here before I cross a line out of aggravation and stress.  I've had so much go on just fucking today, and I'm very very tired right now..... and I think I've expressed myself and made my point very clear.
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Re: Arnox, is this the sort of standard of moderator you want?!
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2014, 08:19:43 am »
mark my words it won't be shitposters, kidiots, pi cp spammers, and those attacker fuckstains the downfall of this community will be because of arnox himself you just wait and see

oh before i go i love you spectral my man for life xoxoxoxox can't wait to see you hun xoxoxoxo

I mean I'm gonna give the dude a chance and see how he reacts, but this is an extremely bad impression of this site I'm getting while it's already pretty brand spanking new.  But that shit's been up like that since the 23rd.  Granted, it's not even 5 hours into the 25th (in my timezone), but that's still at least a full day up to a day and a half.

Already, even if he takes care of it properly (as much as one even CAN at this point), he's shown people that you better be DAMN careful, because if your PI gets posted, even if it does get removed, it might not be for a few days until it does.  This shit is fucked up, man.  Last thing I need is to not even be able to relax on the fucking Internet, my safe haven from real life.  I don't need to be stressed the fuck out when I'm chilling on a forum.  That's not why the fuck I come here.  I'm already really considering just peacing the fuck out.  I have another forum I frequent and which is way more active than this or even than Zoklet was, and it does not have the horrible vibes and fucked up shitstains this place seemed to get infected with by Zoklet.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2014, 08:22:03 am by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovry »
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Re: Arnox, is this the sort of standard of moderator you want?!
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2014, 08:22:41 am »
Did LSD originally post his own PI? That aside the way it's been dealt with is perverse.

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Re: Arnox, is this the sort of standard of moderator you want?!
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2014, 08:31:04 am »
Reality is a crutch for people who can't handle drugs.

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Re: Arnox, is this the sort of standard of moderator you want?!
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2014, 08:38:19 am »

Just to be clear, did you ever post, or give permission for someone else to post, that image on any public forum?

Offline Rizzo in a box

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Re: Arnox, is this the sort of standard of moderator you want?!
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2014, 08:40:07 am »

Just to be clear, did you ever post, or give permission for someone else to post, that image on any public forum?

No, people found the information through publicly available records but that doesn't mean he gave them permission or that it still isn't PI.

[sorry, I shouldn't be answering for him]

That's not why the fuck I come here.  I'm already really considering just peacing the fuck out.  I have another forum I frequent and which is way more active than this or even than Zoklet was, and it does not have the horrible vibes and fucked up shitstains this place seemed to get infected with by Zoklet.

C'mon guys. I see so many of you willing to just give up and leave because things aren't exactly how you want them. We have a chance to make things better.

...although if you do need somewhere else to go to as a break from this place for a while:

I highly recommend (infinity chan) - I'm going to be making a thread about it later, not as advertisement but more as a sort of news story/analysis of the state of free speech in internet communities and various drama surronding them. 4chan is no longer the wild west playground free of cenorship, moot has gone full SJW (he's literally even friends with anita sarkeesian) and there is a convincing allegation/confession someone posted about moot getting in trouble with the feds several years ago and instead of shutting down the servers he complied with LEO to institute ONLY feds for mods on /b/ (as well as doing some technical stuff with the servers for them to be able to grab the relevant stuff without all the other crap) in order to bust people for CP. which you know, whatever, right? until you think of how many threads in /b/ you may have read that you didnt know someone posted some CP in...

but yeah, there's been a pretty big exodus from 4chan to 8chan, and 8chan is actually partnering with 2channel, something moot could never have accomplished because he's a worthless, no talent, self-satisfied jew. there are many technical features which are superior, but one of the best features is that it is like reddit in that anyone can make their own board and moderate it. the administrator is a badass with a terrible bone disorder that leaves him crippled and in a wheelchair, but he has bigger balls of steel than most and is truly committed to free speech. if you're going to go to another site, at least make sure it's one that supports free speech. I was actually throwing some ideas around in the retarded thread about possibly creating "web ring" of free speech sites & forums because sites like this one and 8chan and a few others, we really need to recognize that we're all one big community in this together.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2014, 08:50:29 am by Rizzo in a box »
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Re: Arnox, is this the sort of standard of moderator you want?!
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2014, 08:46:11 am »

Just to be clear, did you ever post, or give permission for someone else to post, that image on any public forum?

No, people found the information through publicly available records but that doesn't mean he gave them permission or that it still isn't PI.

[sorry, I shouldn't be answering for him]

I disagree, not that I'm looking to debate the point here; ML's actions still need examination regarding Arnox's current rules on PI.

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Re: Arnox, is this the sort of standard of moderator you want?!
« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2014, 08:51:38 am »

Just to be clear, did you ever post, or give permission for someone else to post, that image on any public forum?

No, people found the information through publicly available records but that doesn't mean he gave them permission or that it still isn't PI.

[sorry, I shouldn't be answering for him]

I disagree, not that I'm looking to debate the point here; ML's actions still need examination regarding Arnox's current rules on PI.

The information on its own isn't PI, but when combined with identifying the mugshot/news story etc with the particular identity of one of our users...I would say that ends up being PI.
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Re: Arnox, is this the sort of standard of moderator you want?!
« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2014, 09:08:43 am »
The information on its own isn't PI, but when combined with identifying the mugshot/news story etc with the particular identity of one of our users...I would say that ends up being PI.

If data is harvested from publicly available sources then it shouldn't be regarded as personal information, regardless of the quantity of the information. Otherwise we get into a never-ending debate over arbitrary definitions of where the public data/PI limit should lay.

But that is irrelevant to this thread because ML appears to have misused her authority under the current rules. Whether I agree with those rules or not is not important.

Offline LegalizeSpiritualDiscovry

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Re: Arnox, is this the sort of standard of moderator you want?!
« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2014, 09:17:54 am »

Just to be clear, did you ever post, or give permission for someone else to post, that image on any public forum?

No, of course I didn't.  Why would I do that with any image of mine, let alone a mugshot?

And I vehemently disagree with you that it's not PI.  Like Rizzo said, sure the mugshot may have been gleaned from a public article, but nowhere in that article does it correlate that picture/name/identity to this username.  The fact that that picture = LSD is PI.  The picture in and of itself could just be a random picture, but nowhere in the public eye is that picture known to be the same person who runs the username LegalizeSpiritualDiscovry.

It's absolutely not okay to do that, to post a picture of mine and tell everyone it's me so every fucking degenerate on this website knows exactly who I look like and can then trace that picture back to the article where it mentions my full name.  Would you be okay with that happening to you?  Now any piece of shit with the free time and the will (and clearly there are plenty of pieces of shit with plenty of both of those on here) can trace that picture back to my full name and fuck with my actual real life if they decided to.  That is not fucking okay, and it's especially not okay for a moderator to acknowledge that they saw it, ban the poster over it (therefore agreeing that it's PI), and then not only leave the picture up for days but STICKY it.  That's fucked up, dude.  Imagine that happening to you.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2014, 09:21:22 am by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovry »
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Re: Arnox, is this the sort of standard of moderator you want?!
« Reply #13 on: September 25, 2014, 09:19:43 am »
The information on its own isn't PI, but when combined with identifying the mugshot/news story etc with the particular identity of one of our users...I would say that ends up being PI.

If data is harvested from publicly available sources then it shouldn't be regarded as personal information, regardless of the quantity of the information.

So, if my phone number is in the yellow pages that gives people the right to link my irl name and phone number with my pseudonymous internet account? I don't think that makes sense, although maybe I'm misunderstanding you.
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Re: Arnox, is this the sort of standard of moderator you want?!
« Reply #14 on: September 25, 2014, 09:25:21 am »
And Rizzo, can you really blame me for seriously considering "giving up" on this community when I have to deal with this shit over and over again?  It's pathetic that anybody would feel the need to do something like this, but apparently there are people that do.  I see from a couple of your posts just the past few minutes or whatever in this thread that you understand why it's definitely PI and my concern over it.  Your last post before this one is spot-on my point of why that shit's fucked up and is PI.

Nowhere in any article associated with that picture does it relate that picture to my username on here.  However, it DOES relate it to my real life full fucking name and former residence.  So for somebody to link that picture to my username here, they are therefore linking it to my full name, and that's fucked up and not something I am comfortable with every pedo Nazi degenerate scumbag on here (not saying all of you are those things, obviously; just that there are plenty of those here) knowing.

Do you understand where we're coming from a bit more now, Slave?  Can you try to put yourself in my shoes?
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