Women know exactly what they want - they know it since their vaginas start bleeding and they'll know it until they die. They don't care if a guy is a good provider, if he's funny, intelligent, or virtuous; they simply don't. I don't know why it is that they don't, but it's probably because women are incapable of being funny, intelligent, or virtuous, and have existed as perpetual leeches and ornaments for the past 100,000 years of human history. They come and go with the tides.
They really have no personal investment in civilization and you can see that virtually everything in this world is just in place to help women live out a fantasy of a life that they think they deserve. They aren't on their hands and knees in sewers or on power lines.
They don't know or care how things work. They simply do not care.
Look at your average woman walking down the street. She honestly thinks she's too fucking good for this world. She thinks she's too good for everyone, and her eyes will only light up off her phone as soon as she sees a man (maybe 1/50, depending on where you are) that fits her ideal description of what she thinks she deserves in her solipsistic fantasy.
The rest of us? We're just here to support these women. Not just with taxes, but with our civilization that we dutifully maintain. Whether we're bank tellers, bus drivers, mechanics, engineers, doctors, unless we fit her idea of an "alpha", we're nothing to your average woman - absolutely nothing, unless you are rich enough to make her able to tolerate your appearance, an appearance that, if anything less than her fantasy ideal, makes her sick to her stomach.
I think it's funny to see doctors delivering babies in hospitals - doctors who spend their whole lives working up to that point, delivering bastards to single moms with the dad in jail or simply AWOL. If anything is more ironic than that, I don't know what is.
Women actively hate beta men - they don't actually stop and think where electricity comes from, because this isn't sexy. A man may look at a light, and wonder what makes it glow, and how he can improve it. A woman doesn't even look at the ceiling, except when Chad is pounding away at her of course.
She doesn't even think about who built her house. She thinks about the alpha male cock that she "deserves". You want to know what will cause the apocalypse? Women. Most men want to believe in God. I certainly did when I was younger. But seeing that women are actually actively pursuing bad traits, and that men are driven by their sexual dependence on women, a dependence that hinges on actually being bad, or disrespectful, or downright violent, is enough to strip the idea of god of any merit.
Most men are born good. I know from personal experience that most young men, contrary to what the media wants us to believe, aren't sex-dogs, but rather want to believe in young springtime love that would last forever. It's the women in the age group of 16-22 that are getting gang banged in club toilets, fucking 15 guys in their freshmen dorm, cheating casually and without compunction.
Women know EXACTLY what they want, and they can get it, thanks to the tolerance of men. In a way, I have stopped even believing that Western women are full human beings by the fact that they are so prone to cheating without compunction; it's so predictable and almost necessary on their part that it is almost as if they are talking animals. Luckily I firmly believe that things are going to go sour pretty goddamn quick once this news gets out, and it will. They know exactly what they want and no amount of money can make Bill Gates as much as a pussy-wetter as Jeremy Meeks; Bill Gates, the man worth $55 billion dollars and a philanthropist with apparently a heart of gold - and he's giving his goddamn money to single moms that wouldn't fuck him anyways.