This thread is for posting programming exercises that we can all try to do for practice. All are welcome to contribute ideas. Please make it a program you have already written so a solution can either be posted or help can be given to those struggling. Some of these will be easier to do in some languages than others.
I'll start.
1. Write a console program who's primary function is to print its own source code as output. Extra functionality can be added as desired.
2. Port the old 10 PRINT program written in BASIC for the Commodore 64 to another language like C++, Java, or Processing. If you're not familiar with 10 PRINT, here's a link that will tell you everything you need to know about it (and probably also give you the answer if you're feeling lazy): If you want to see how this program runs on a C64 compared to your port, download a C64 emulator. I used
VICEIf you have questions, post your code or screencaps of your output. Don't post your programs because they could be viruses.