Why hold a public poll if when the results aren't in your favor you dismiss it entirely?
The staff didn't hold a public poll, a normal user put it up....not them. And if you really think about it, if that thread had been on Zoklet it would have been trashed within hours if not minutes by Panthrax or Psychomanthis....because there had already been a half dozen or so threads talking about it, they were basically flooding the section with this nonsense.
You should be grateful the admin even humored the idea, and did give at least SOME consideration to it...and even tried to find a workable solution that would fit into his bigger picture for this place. Ask yourself this, what would Zok and O_RLY actually "done" in regard to researching an issue they were against, would they have even put 2 minutes of their own time in? Of course not, they would have sent the lackeys out to delete the thread, and just shut everyone up like always.
Most importantly, your 2.5K thanks is a really great indicator at why rep/thanks systems really don't do anything positive in the grand scheme of things. Because all you had was a gaggle of kidiots thanking nonsense, and none of it really inspired any kind of positive or creative "discussion" about anything. What did you get thanked for? Cheering on the drawball/paint by number fiasco. Posting PI with alarming frequency. Going out in the world and video taping you bullying on homeless/mentally ill people. Etc ad nauseum.
That wasn't content, just you being a basement dwelling loser, and in turn even more pathetic basement dwelling losers that were even more socially awkward than you starting clicking buttons. Whoopty doo, The Hero of The Stupid gets acclaim for being barely over a step beyond picking your nose on camera. And what was the end result, and the "pulse" of Zoklet? Idiocy, bullying, and politics....which is why as every day passed, the userbase and activity shrunk more and more and more until it was the desolate wasteland before the end days.