Unstable Faggot is a convicted bisexual child molester. Please block all his attempts at befriending as you will more than likely be flagged for peadophile associaton. He was a known victim and hate figure on Zoklet and has since tried reinventing himself during the migration. He likes to workout regularly, but his real motive for this is so he can watch the soap suds slide down the cracks of mens' asses in shower, i shit you not. He's also under house arrest for various bizzare offences such as repeatedly asking to touch men's biceps, asking them to squat or twist his nipples; and to take hot steamy pisses on his face.
Be warned, given the chance; he would most definitely rape your children and it's imperative the good people of Sanctuary know this. He was romantically linked to "Silver fuck", a known skag head who sold tricks to fund her CP habit which is why she's in jail now.
That is all.