Author Topic: post ur "personalities"  (Read 2734 times)

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Re: post ur "personalities"
« Reply #30 on: November 02, 2014, 07:26:07 pm »
Oh my God this is the best freaking thing ever.

I could look for correlations in the results of the posters that I already feel that I do know (with an obvious consideration for error ratio in regards to anything... still) and hypothesize things about psychology/sociology/psycho-sociology/social-psychology/psychopathic-socialists/sociopathic-psychometrists (with very low levels of "AGREEABLENESS" (apparently)) ALL DAY.

That is... if I weren't pre-occupied with determining what the fuck to do about this (very mildly) thinning hair and worrying about having sex with overweight "settling" results that may or may not smell of urine/anhydrous ammonia and definitely WILL fuck up my chances of raising the ULTIMATE sons/daughters one day that might be sooner than I think. /paradox (that just happens to be fictitious).

Do you guys think I'm weird? Er... Is the way in which it is evidential that I am unique something you guys think one should be proud of rather than ashamed of or verse-vica? (Hypothetically under the assumption that it makes sense to say here in this context "Hypothetically under the assumption that I am truly not intoxicated on any kind of amphetamine/dopamine-agonist(s) nor have I been for at least any of the posts I've made on this site...)

In case you only came into this thread because you would score moderately to highly in "NARCISSISM" if you were to be scored on it and you didn't see my fucking scores and notice that I'm not all that self-conscious (unless I'm not trustworthy of people enough to tell them the truth all the time)... I'm uh... not all that self conscious. Which means... The reason I'm asking what I'm asking in the above paragraph - taking into consideration the degree in which I feel you would be likely to answer truthfully, of course - is to use it as a factor pertaining (to a degree) to the context I was typing in up higher... Or back left-more for those of you with kickass monitors.

I have an overwhelmingly strong feeling that I'm wasting my time on this site as the userbase does not contain many if any of the very few that appreciated for whatever reason my efforts/contributions back on zoklet.


Lanny probably read my scores.
John Smith (so that's Malice?)
splooge gook
unstable matter from some alt

basically all of the people in which a high score in ''intellect'' is (apparently) not associated with.

or the people that would have realized that my final sentence typed in this post if not for this explanation of such does not make sense had i not decided to include this explanation of such.

look how many people on this site do meth... seriously. and a lot more than i ever have in my years. can any of you naysayers find ANY admitted "meth" poster that parallels me? A single post?

or the people that realize why... fuck it. if anyone matches said criteria they'll know what i was going to say... closely enough.

I wish you all would fucking pay close attention to what you read on here a little more. You're all so used to "There's little to no chance of actually finding any payoff in devoting the time to do just that"... Think how that translates to my every day life where I'm forced to communicate in a completely fucking flawed internationally accepted manner that deprives me of any chance of doing just that with any kind of efficacy. WITH FUCKING EVERYTHING.

I don't let myself get angry IRL... or maybe I do but I have learned to never EVER express it. That shit would tear open the goatse man's anus until he bleed to death, metaphorically speaking. ugh I'm a fucking... FUCK just nvm. I'm off of ALL drugs and I don't know how to deal with shit or how to function within myself. holy fuck i can't post this.

why did i type ''holy fuck i can't post this'' if i wasn't subconsciously intending to?

why am i talking to myself on a public zoklet post.

i'm completely fucking insane because of other people literally being too stupid to realize that they're fucking idiots.

i hope this doesn't go b-list jim-carrey. I don't see how anyone could enjoy the sensation of something shoved up their ass.

i'm seriously not amped up can someone psychoanalyze me (i can answer that, yes, but they'll do a worse job than I could myself. without a fucking doubt.)

loljk. i missed you guys~~6!

lol you posted that at 4:20
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Offline equanimity

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Re: post ur "personalities"
« Reply #31 on: November 02, 2014, 07:28:11 pm »
loljk. i missed you guys~~6!

Hey IWD!  We've missed you, too.  It's great to have you here :)

Offline Internet-Weed-Dude

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Re: post ur "personalities"
« Reply #32 on: November 02, 2014, 07:35:15 pm »
Lanny, think of the differences in circumstances that could distort our own personal views of ourselves as they would correspond with whatever questions that resulted in either of our scores...

That's not to say "Well then none of the test means anything if you're going to look at it that way!" because I don't believe that either... Fuck! I'm having trouble verbalizing what I want to fucking communicate right now.

Perhaps I'll go practice being addicted to nicotine for a bit, do some waste of time reading for the sake of entertainment... actually I take that back. but yeah. i'm gonna do that stuff. and i'm gonna come back. you (Lanny) stay right there sitting wherever you are with this thread open and refresh it every x time increment when x >0.1 seconds, <600.01 seconds.

Ok. cya then.

Offline Internet-Weed-Dude

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Re: post ur "personalities"
« Reply #33 on: November 02, 2014, 07:37:15 pm »
Lanny, think of the differences in circumstances that could distort our own personal views of ourselves as they would correspond with whatever questions that resulted in either of our scores...

That's not to say "Well then none of the test means anything if you're going to look at it that way!" because I don't believe that either... Fuck! I'm having trouble verbalizing what I want to fucking communicate right now.

Perhaps I'll go practice being addicted to nicotine for a bit, do some waste of time reading for the sake of entertainment... actually I take that back. but yeah. i'm gonna do that stuff. and i'm gonna come back. you (Lanny) stay right there sitting wherever you are with this thread open and refresh it every x time increment when x >0.1 seconds, <600.01 seconds.

Ok. cya then.

Whoops. Didn't mean for the last line to have the italics and to me this is favorable to the "post was edited @ whatever the fuck" message that reeks of insecurity. Oh hell yeah I fucked up. You're all just jealous.

Offline Hades

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Re: post ur "personalities"
« Reply #34 on: November 02, 2014, 07:38:07 pm »

Domain/Facet........... Score 0--------10--------20--------30--------40--------50--------60--------70--------80--------90--------99

EXTRAVERSION...............1 *

..Friendliness.............1 *

..Gregariousness...........2 **

..Assertiveness............30 ******************************

..Activity Level...........0



Your score on Extraversion is low, indicating you are introverted, reserved, and quiet. You enjoy solitude and solitary activities. Your socializing tends to be restricted to a few close friends.

Extraversion Facets

    Friendliness. Your level of friendliness is low.
    Gregariousness. Your level of gregariousness is low.
    Assertiveness. Your level of assertiveness is low.
    Activity Level. Your activity level is low.
    Excitement-Seeking. Your level of excitement-seeking is low.
    Cheerfulness. Your level of positive emotions is low.


Domain/Facet........... Score 0--------10--------20--------30--------40--------50--------60--------70--------80--------90--------99

AGREEABLENESS..............91 *******************************************************************************************

..Trust....................75 ***************************************************************************

..Morality.................85 *************************************************************************************

..Altruism.................94 **********************************************************************************************

..Cooperation..............82 **********************************************************************************

..Modesty..................29 *****************************

..Sympathy.................94 **********************************************************************************************

Your high level of Agreeableness indicates a strong interest in others' needs and well-being. You are pleasant, sympathetic, and cooperative.

Agreeableness Facets

    Trust. Your level of trust is high.
    Morality. Your level of morality is high.
    Altruism. Your level of altruism is high.
    Cooperation. Your level of compliance is high.
    Modesty. Your level of modesty is low.
    Sympathy. Your level of tender-mindedness is high.


Domain/Facet........... Score 0--------10--------20--------30--------40--------50--------60--------70--------80--------90--------99


..Self-Efficacy............1 *

..Orderliness..............1 *

..Dutifulness..............42 ******************************************

..Achievement-Striving.....12 ************

..Self-Discipline..........1 *

..Cautiousness.............71 ***********************************************************************

Your score on Conscientiousness is low, indicating you like to live for the moment and do what feels good now. Your work tends to be careless and disorganized.

Conscientiousness Facets

    Self-Efficacy.  Your level of orderliness is low.
    Dutifulness.  Your level of dutifulness is average.
    Achievement-Striving. Your level of achievement striving is low.
    Self-Discipline. Your level of self-discipline is low.
    Cautiousness. Your level of cautiousness is high.


Domain/Facet........... Score 0--------10--------20--------30--------40--------50--------60--------70--------80--------90--------99

NEUROTICISM................58 **********************************************************

..Anxiety..................42 ******************************************

..Anger....................28 ****************************

..Depression...............60 ************************************************************

..Self-Consciousness.......23 ***********************

..Immoderation.............99 ***************************************************************************************************

..Vulnerability............72 ************************************************************************

Your score on Neuroticism is average, indicating that your level of emotional reactivity is typical of the general population. Stressful and frustrating situations are somewhat upsetting to you, but you are generally able to get over these feelings and cope with these situations.

Neuroticism Facets

    Anxiety. Your level of anxiety is average.
    Anger. Your level of anger is low.
    Depression. Your level of depression is average.
    Self-Consciousness. Your level or self-consciousness is low.
    Immoderation. Your level of immoderation is high.
    Vulnerability. Your level of vulnerability is high.

Openness to Experience

Domain/Facet........... Score 0--------10--------20--------30--------40--------50--------60--------70--------80--------90--------99

OPENNESS TO EXPERIENCE.....82 **********************************************************************************

..Imagination..............82 **********************************************************************************

..Artistic Interests.......33 *********************************

..Emotionality.............64 ****************************************************************

..Adventurousness..........42 ******************************************

..Intellect................84 ************************************************************************************

..Liberalism...............97 *************************************************************************************************

Your score on Openness to Experience is high, indicating you enjoy novelty, variety, and change. You are curious, imaginative, and creative.

Openness Facets

    Imagination. Your level of imagination is high.
    Artistic Interests. Your level of artistic interests is average.
    Emotionality. Your level of emotionality is average.
    Adventurousness. Your level of adventurousness is average.
    Intellect. Your level of intellect is high.
    Liberalism. Your level of liberalism is high.

I kinda agree with the conclusions.  Depression level seems somewhat weird as i'm on anti depressants (or maybe it proves they work)
I'm not really introverted, i got pseudo autism according to my shrink.  The first time a shrink told me something that made sense to me.
I thought i was reasonably modest... seems i was wrong.  Oh well
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Re: post ur "personalities"
« Reply #35 on: November 02, 2014, 07:53:10 pm »
loljk. i missed you guys~~6!

Hey IWD!  We've missed you, too.  It's great to have you here :)

Thanks dude. The pleasure is all mine. :)

Offline Internet-Weed-Dude

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Re: post ur "personalities"
« Reply #36 on: November 02, 2014, 08:00:48 pm »
delete. god damnit i keep fucking up with quoting as well as editing. don't start watching me, please mods. I'm strung out.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2014, 08:03:12 pm by Internet-Weed-Dude »

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Re: post ur "personalities"
« Reply #37 on: November 02, 2014, 08:01:38 pm »

I kinda agree with the conclusions.  Depression level seems somewhat weird as i'm on anti depressants (or maybe it proves they work)
I'm not really introverted, i got pseudo autism according to my shrink.  The first time a shrink told me something that made sense to me.
I thought i was reasonably modest... seems i was wrong.  Oh well

Absolutely god damned not.

Unless daily cocaine intake increases motivation levels. I'm sure you can tell me as to why the answer is "yes" and "no" but the weight of "No" in contrast to the contrary (can you say that? lol. I think you can!) is like the weight of me in contrast to the weight of -(me vs 7 months ago) before my legit meth fuckup. Times  ~-25*(10^4)

Offline Hades

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Re: post ur "personalities"
« Reply #38 on: November 02, 2014, 08:22:36 pm »
delete. god damnit i keep fucking up with quoting as well as editing. don't start watching me, please mods. I'm strung out.
yeah... sometimes it's the small things in life that get us ;)

I kinda agree with the conclusions.  Depression level seems somewhat weird as i'm on anti depressants (or maybe it proves they work)
I'm not really introverted, i got pseudo autism according to my shrink.  The first time a shrink told me something that made sense to me.
I thought i was reasonably modest... seems i was wrong.  Oh well

Absolutely god damned not.

Unless daily cocaine intake increases motivation levels. I'm sure you can tell me as to why the answer is "yes" and "no" but the weight of "No" in contrast to the contrary (can you say that? lol. I think you can!) is like the weight of me in contrast to the weight of -(me vs 7 months ago) before my legit meth fuckup. Times  ~-25*(10^4)

dude...  i have the feeling that there's a point in your post and that your point could be correct...
Thing is, i just smoked my first joint in a week so i'll i'm totally spaced out.  will have to figure it out later
Liberté Egalité Fraternité

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Re: post ur "personalities"
« Reply #39 on: November 02, 2014, 08:25:32 pm »
delete. god damnit i keep fucking up with quoting as well as editing. don't start watching me, please mods. I'm strung out.
That happened to me the other day I felt retarded. 
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Re: post ur "personalities"
« Reply #40 on: November 02, 2014, 08:27:16 pm »
delete. god damnit i keep fucking up with quoting as well as editing. don't start watching me, please mods. I'm strung out.

There's a huge thread in the admin forum where we point out minor errors (grammar, punctuation, spelling, formatting, etc.) the users make and lol at them.  FYI.

Offline Slave of the Beast

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Re: post ur "personalities"
« Reply #41 on: November 02, 2014, 08:32:43 pm »
delete. god damnit i keep fucking up with quoting as well as editing. don't start watching me, please mods. I'm strung out.

There's a huge thread in the admin forum where we point out minor errors (grammar, punctuation, spelling, formatting, etc.) the users make and lol at them.  FYI.

That's only fair given that the users have the whole forum in which to laugh at some staff members.

Offline Lanny

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Re: post ur "personalities"
« Reply #42 on: November 02, 2014, 08:32:59 pm »
delete. god damnit i keep fucking up with quoting as well as editing. don't start watching me, please mods. I'm strung out.

There's a huge thread in the admin forum where we point out minor errors (grammar, punctuation, spelling, formatting, etc.) the users make and lol at them.  FYI.

..Self-Consciousness.......95 ***********************************************************************************************

:mad: This is not helping

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Re: post ur "personalities"
« Reply #43 on: November 02, 2014, 08:35:36 pm »

Offline Evan

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Re: post ur "personalities"
« Reply #44 on: November 03, 2014, 04:24:19 pm »
Intuitive ethical extratim