that's absolutely fucking insane. I can't believe that's considered "normal" today, jesus fucking christ. I remember there was a "resource room" in elementz where the retards would go and one of them was my "buddy reading partner" one year but he was super autistic, like, helmet and all that but when he read his brain and eyes would move faster than his shitty mouth could, this was the days before aspergers was a thing so he was just considered retarded. A few years ago he was in the paper for raising a shitload of money/food for the food bank b4 christmas 1like=1pray
but on topic, how old were you and what was the authority for doing this to kids? Was it just for kids who were on probation? was it only district wide? was it attached to a school, was the length of your term based on behavior or the length of your sentence etc.
it was for people deemed not wise to be put in a regular classroom, which made sense for a while because klonopin + xanax + brain blossoming with the buds of shitposting and i felt basically invincible. this led to a lot of ridiculous things that happened at hope that top the ridiculousness of everything else and i feel like shit every time i look at him because he's obviously just been so abused by my batshit crazy mother and i that he treats it like it's normal when he's forgetting what real life is. then again granddaddy liked to chug whiskey from da goblet. but they were going to either put me in residential treatment, residential special education, a psychiatric school, or juvenile detention. the third choice was just the easiest, since i still got to go home every day at 3
goddamn i really wanted to fucking kill myself the entire time i was there and i get the feeling that may be the point