People are always going on about "generating content" and shit so here.
So at work I've been having this problem where we have a stream of data with a lot of variability in volume per time unit and processing it has several potentially expensive operations that we cache. The stream feeds into a single queue and there are multiple concurrent processes consuming. The issue is that we were using fixed time caching, so like we'd put something in the cache and set it to expire in a day. When volume is high though we flood the cache, which is backed by redis and thus in memory. If the OOM killer didn't nix the redis server then it would die when it forks to save (that's actually fixable but it doesn't change the fact that we were using too much RAM in the first place). The solution was a circular cache, as an item is added the oldest is removed. The result is some level of thrashing during high intake but a bounded memory footprint which is a win all in all. My first idea was just a simple bounded linked list, but the problem there was that lookup became a linear time operation. So I ended up using a hashtable and a linked list together to manage the cache, and actually was able to get constant time get and set. Values are stored in the hashtable and the list is used to determine which keys need to be ejected. Here's the code:
class RingCache(object):
Implements a cache with O(1) lookup and append time and which contains at
most size items. The first items set are the first deleted.
def __init__(self, name, size=100, conn=None):
self.hash_key = 'ring-cache:%s:hash' % name
self.list_key = 'ring-cache:%s:list' % name
self.size = size
self.r = conn or get_redis_conn()
def get(self, sub_key):
return self.r.hget(self.hash_key, sub_key)
def set(self, sub_key, sub_value):
Enter the new item into the hashtable and push it into the list. If
that puts us over capacity, pop an item off the other end of the list
and remove the corrosponding key from the hashtable.
with self.r.pipeline() as pipe:
pipe.hset(self.hash_key, sub_key, sub_value)
pipe.rpush(self.list_key, sub_key)
# We have to make sure our pops happen atomically, if we know that
# then we know no two processes have the same key and we can buffer
# our hdels or execute them non-atomicly
popped_keys = []
while 1:
overage = pipe.llen(self.list_key) - self.size
for _ in range(overage):
for key in popped_keys:
pipe.hdel(self.hash_key, key)
except redis.WatchError:
def _get_keys(self):
return self.r.hkeys(self.hash_key)
I was kinda surprised it worked. An improvement would be if I could find a way to move an item back to the front of the list every time it's accessed, so it works like LRU instead of FIFO, but I think it's fundamentally impossible to implement LRU with constant time lookup.