Author Topic: Get a taste of the afterlife with one theme park’s cremation ride  (Read 1297 times)

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Offline Suicidal Fish

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The popularity of an unusual new theme park ride proves nothing draws a crowd like a near death experience.

At the Window Of The World theme park in Shenzhen, China, people are queuing up for the 4D Death Simulator – otherwise known as the cremation ride.

The ride requires punters to climb into a coffin. Once inside their temporary resting place, the lucky thrill-seeker is then shoved into a furnace by a ghoulish attendant.

Fortunately, the person isn’t actually turned into a handful of dust by a raging fire, as they are removed soon after.

However, the mock-oven does reach an uncomfortable 40 degrees, so you wouldn’t want the attendant nip out for a cigarette while you’re in there.

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‘You really feel like you’re being burnt alive,’ said 22-year-old Ting Shen. ‘I feel like I died and came back.’

A spokesman for the park has assured people that the ride is completely safe, offering them the chance to indulge their odder fantasies.

‘People have a morbid fascination with death and the after-life and this is a good way of experiencing both,’ he said.

It hasn’t proved quite so popular with the older clientele. Mum Yue Wan Ho, 43, accompanied his kids on a walk around the morgue but didn’t fancy opt for the coffin.

‘I think I’ll wait until my time is really up before pretending it is.’
A billion Chinese can’t be wrong: eat rice.