I thought reddit was a bunch of SJW faggots? I'm trying to get away from them.
There are some 3.9/10 subreddits but mostly it's just really satisfying to watch yourself get downvoted for an objectively hilarious comment
everyone is so sensitive or something it really is a bizarre place. I like it's model, it's like a 7.9/10 model for a forum but populated by 1.4/10 people
fuck, it's a pretty funny place. I wrote something cited with empirestrikesbackical evidence about how all women are bisexual, spammed it across 6-8 boards and got banned from all of them and like 1000 downvotes. Then I posted a pic of Syria on earthporn saying "stop teh violets!!!! no blud 4 goyl!!" and got 999 upvotes because retardation is easy to predict
I dunno, this post sums the main boards of reddit up pretty well