It's an unfortunate state of reality. I feel as if we've got to this place through the inaction of those who are afflicted with the growing social apathy allowed by a new age landed, and those who are too worried about ramification if they stand up and be labeled misogynist, anti-semite, or what have you by those fucking agenda driven bastards who push for this nonsense. The type that get butthurt over the *human* *right* to freedom of thought*, and try to sue.
Freedom of speech, on the other hand is slowly being eroded by ever more authoritarian governemnts and the previously mentioned type of people who would sell everyone's souls if it brought them some petty level of vindication to something they feel slighted over.
This is the age of cowards.Cowards who pussyfoot around and pander to the uptight busybodies who take offence and create such a state which is nothing more than a dynamo of outrage, unto itself and of itself it keeps going on and on. Cowards who do nothing to stop corporations and corrupted big brother government from giving up all the big push in the backside down the slippery slope, because now in this age to want immediate satsifaction at this point in the ride it benefits them in some small way, and nobody gives a fuck about where we're ultimately headed.