omg since children are still growing, and if they go through neuroimaging
when head trauma occurs, cells aore destryoed and blah blah blah, but then your body uses off excess less interesting energy towards regenerating or compensating for certain abilities. that would have to be dedicated to certain regions with precisioon. .lots of people with mild injuries to the head either regenerated or had enhanced express in a different brain area. if the brain area the stem chemicals migrate to are determined by some direction dependent on location then a precise knock at one point + an active brain + diet and exercise = a more finely attuned brain. yes, it is true that brain cells generally don't appear to continually grow after a few decades besides in the hippocampus and dentate gyrus, etc, but new connections between synapses can always be formed, and a precise strain on a system that can operate itself well enough could act like "exercise" along with other exercise; it's all atrophy and regeneration.