I spent last night trying to write a narrative of my life without adjectives so I'd feel better about it, then woke up at 7am, stared at the ceiling for 15 minutes, got in the shower, put a lebanese amount of cologne on and now I'm at school and have a midterm in an hour and a half but I can't stop thinking about this girl and gay shit so I'm drinking my second coffee after taking 15mgs ritalin IR and 54mgs concerta and just chiiiiiiiiiiiiilin
everything's gonna be alright. I don't even care if I fail this midterm although I won't because I relate the solow model of growth to my own development. I'm gonna be talkin to this girl in 5.5 hours and hopefully she'll be thinking about me for 5 whole days of undetermined designation. Now I'm anxious again so I'm gonna take more drugs