It's as a "food and beverage server" which according to my resume I've done before but really, lol, never. How hard can it be if it's predominantly done by females though? My last job before this was wiping down the tables in a dining hall for 15 mins after playing chess with my buddy for an hour or so or fraternizing with the other degenerates. I didn't even wipe down 1/3rd of the tables because I didn't like the people who sat there.
Before that, it was like 2008 or 2009 when I literally chopped down and climbed trees and my boss was a fucking cunt who definitely beat his wife daily and would drink and drive constantly. Wasn't on the books, lol.
So basically, how do I serve people food+drinks? Has anyone ever done this before? I'm personable when I want to be but there's really no telling how I'll feel about it tomorrow or the day after.
Really, all I know is from being served at restaurants, lol. There's training and stuff but I figure someone who's actually done it can help.