All these "beheadings" have been faked by the US government in a feeble attempt to draw public sympathy for their illegal wars for profit. They've passed the point of pathetic long, long ago, and now they are completely shameless. Now it's just really them supporting their own delusions in their own pathetic little war-mongering, puny minds and their own little make-believe world. They're nothing but sub-human scum in fancy monkey suits. Treasonous, mass-murdering, terrorist filth - which the coming civil war will correct soon enough. These are the very same clowns who engineered 9/11, the Boston Bombings, Sandy Hook, and all the other false flag operations in the past two decades. Rich-beyond-measure corporate goons who've managed to hijack the entire US government and US military, and they have all the mass media playing out these fake setups one after the other. People are so stupid, they'll believe anything.