My God Can Beat The Shit Out Of Your God / Re: What led you away from the religion your parents gave you?
« on: December 01, 2014, 01:36:52 am »
When my parents made church a punishment, and when they punished me for my thoughts if it didn't agree with theirs, or questioning the religion. The devil influenced me, they'd say. Need to go to church for cleansing. Don't question the religion. God is everything, he is all loving, all knowing, all powerful. People die from disease and hunger and war but not us, because god loves us more. Pray your troubles away, instead of fixing the problem yourself. Wait for God to fix the world, while in reality the longer the problem sits, the more issues it breeds and then you try to pray those problems go away too. I don't care anymore, whether there really is a god. Be kind and give charity because it is right, not because your god told you to. I don't waste my time praying. Anyway, religion is a forbidden topic in family gatherings.
I'm not gonna start on what I believe about the book. It's the people who drove me away.
I'm not gonna start on what I believe about the book. It's the people who drove me away.