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Messages - VenomStallone

Pages: [1] 2
Extraction: HCL gassing, after a water wash of fuel

1/4 cup AN
1/8 cup Naoh
2 li x9 strip

Rarely do i recharge, if i do it 1/8 an, and 1/16 naoh.

PSE 2.880g

NP is always 15 oz

Spurious Generalities / Pirate Bay Raided
« on: December 11, 2014, 05:49:06 pm »
Man that really sucks. I noticed as of this year thier quality of downloads had suffered greatly. Hard to find good shit on there anymore. But fuck, they  are to be missed!


Let your free will lead to the discovery of something beneficially positive in world full of constantly dissolving electrons.


Oh and for the record

Crystal meth doesn't kill people, Death by Inactive Gaks Kills people!

Its no secret. Its called mislabeling the product and violating safety protocol standards. Sure clan chemistry in certain aspects may be a crime, but the irreversible effects of death is inhumane and goes beyond that. Not a good example to lead by.

Meth has had many negative effects on human life, but only seemingly outweighs the good, by using  commericial sandbagging tacts via the media. What about the good? Aids disappeared... people weren't sick.... people were happier. They were more productive. Heroin and cocaine wars died....

Either way, whatever is in these pills, might very well end up in everones food and water whenever the powers decide their solution to a compounded personal problem, has been tried and tested on the Target intended. But who cares right? The world goes on right?

In short/or long:

They can stop people from making meth,
they can make it hell for you to live,
But they will never be able to destroy something that they didn't create.


Ill spare myself a lot of time and explanation.

This tek WAS a good thing going. But Where im at now, it just took a shit. NOT WORKING! Produces product that has strange effects not noted before. Reaction not going chocolate milkshake color and staying. Instead it goes thick brown for a sec, then thick black/grey, almost like a clock reaction. Instead of clearing near the end, it goes cloudy with a tint of red/grey, and the noted "grey/white" layer that used to form on top of the nh3/naoh layer (which signaled true completion of bang as product) never forms. Product comes out fine, just isn't the same AT ALL. Its got a "tampered" with feel to it.

It may not be happened to anyone else yet, and if that  is the case, be prepared for a shit storm coming, because ITS HAPPENING HERE!

Calling all bees, some serious discussion needs to occur, NEED TO KNOW WHAT IS BEING PRODUCED AND WHY!

May Bee the beginning to a very evil Death By Gak twist. Lets get this shit figured out.

Better Living Through Chemistry / Re: Cousin recently overdosed
« on: December 10, 2014, 12:15:44 am »
Im praying for you, and by now wherever you were going with this thread will have left from your mind and your family members passing will have opened a new door for you for the better. God bless you

Purp: That hits the honey jar. Thank you for the excellent information. DejaVu, (i loved that nintendo game btw, but not as good as Uninvited), thats the dirt messing up the up the bees wing beat. But on to better things than lost pollen. Time to hit the honeycomb gentleman.

;) I remember the first discussion of Lithiums TMS on T0ts3two.... Some guy posted some articles about it. Not too long after that the damn site went down! None the less share away, In PM of course.

Thank you for the information. Reading through it right now.

Better Living Through Chemistry / Re: Would it be possible to...
« on: November 24, 2014, 08:43:03 pm »
if you got game you wont need a drug


with a quick search all i could find was stuff on the co2 aluminum cylinder. i will check on this more later

Ill do a quick look at old msds and new ones if any are around.

Yes Deja, 2 runs would be ideal. But as for an extraction, resources are slim and a tek for said extraction is beyond grasp unless you can hunt one up. I know there was one on  t0t$3ttwo before it got raided.  The Straight to Bee i believe? But thats old shit that probably wouldnt work on todays gaks.

Anyone got a workaround or shall they try the microwave?

removed off topic dicketry

did a quick search for that solvent, looks like a lot of products that previously contained it have different ingredients - the raw chemical is still available but probably watched

Thanks Aldra.

Yes alot of solvent re formulating.

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