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Messages - The Barbaric Nomad

Pages: [1]
Better Living Through Chemistry / Re: best shroom kits?
« on: November 14, 2014, 08:58:00 pm »
OK why won't I need a pressure cooker? I have money to spend I can get one if its worth it. Any good sources to buy the verm culture and perlite, I am looking to make profit and for fun. Tek has videos on utube right? I think I have watched them before. Could I get everything for $300 and make at least $100 profit?

Better Living Through Chemistry / best shroom kits?
« on: November 14, 2014, 01:46:21 pm »
What are the best shroom kits for a reasonable price that requires little knowledge on how to grow them. Links would be great along with any relevant information as well.

Bad Ideas / Re: $1000
« on: November 13, 2014, 06:23:49 pm »
I have a couple friends I can take with me, one even does inspections for the state or whatever. Thanks for the replies I'll be going next weds to the auction hopefully now lol.

Bad Ideas / Re: $1000
« on: November 13, 2014, 05:35:16 pm »
I have a place that does auctions around here for cheap cars and vehicles. Would that be a good place to find something for a good price?

My God Can Beat The Shit Out Of Your God / Re: Your belief system?
« on: November 13, 2014, 05:24:01 pm »
I'm agnostic. The closest thing I can relate to politically is anarchism, though I don't consider myself one. I believe that anyone should be allowed to believe what they want and do what they want as long as it doesn't cause any harm to anyone else or interfere with their lives negatively. Live and let live. I don't believe in revenge, though I have vengeful tendencies and am imperfect.

How could this work? You say yourself you have vengeful tendencies and aren't perfect. So knowing this you should be able to see that in a world with no government where people live and let live that there will be some people effecting other people negatively. Everyone has violent tendencies their natural. You can not live in peace. People should start accepting this and realize we are just animals too and just accept what I call the "demon" and release it. Let's go back to the primitive and natural law and the art of nothing. I am not saying we are all evil bloodthirsty serial killers I just believe nature has a way of working things out. In primitive society wuen we were hunter gatherers there would be no reason to go and kill a whole group of people unless they had something you needed like food or were a threat too you. There was natural law you lived to survive you killed what you needed to survive. Unlike now adays a couple mega corporations own most of the food. Sure you can try to be self sustainable in modern society but the government makes it as hard as possible without having some source of income to pay for the taxes and permits. So you have to go to work to buy food at walmart. They have put food and water and all the meaning of life in a locked box and the key is now money. So you are pretty much forced to work to live. The difference between modern work and primitive work was work now a days is a lot more demanding and time consuming along with meaningless and unfulfilling.

My God Can Beat The Shit Out Of Your God / Re: Your belief system?
« on: November 13, 2014, 05:16:24 pm »
I believe do what you want survival of the fittest

Bad Ideas / Re: $1000
« on: November 13, 2014, 05:14:07 pm »
Don't know much about vehicles though.

Bad Ideas / $1000
« on: November 13, 2014, 04:54:27 pm »
I have $1000, how can I make it more? Srs

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