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Messages - K

Pages: [1] 2
Spurious Generalities / Re: I purchased my first bitcoins today
« on: October 29, 2014, 08:04:51 pm »
I am an early adopter (non-Day Trader). I haven't bought Bitcoin in 2+ years; I mostly mined before then. Now I just encourage people to buy/invest into Bitcoin for the long term.

Spurious Generalities / Re: I purchased my first bitcoins today
« on: October 29, 2014, 07:33:10 pm »
We aren't actually dropping; We're just in a readjusting period where weak hands leave and stronger hands take over at a discounted rate. Right now is the perfect time for late adopters to buy in. I recommended that one of my friends should remortgage their property and diversify themselves into Bitcoins, at least 50% minimum, since it's such a great deal at the moment. We will hit the ATH of 1,250 and hopefully stabilize at $4,000 by 2017.

Spurious Generalities / Re: I purchased my first bitcoins today
« on: October 28, 2014, 06:08:44 pm »
You should have bought via LocalBitcoins; zero commission and exchange fees. Or just PM'd me and I would have sold you had an admin vouch for you.

Travellers Travails / Re: The Caribbean
« on: October 28, 2014, 02:15:12 am »
Man; The crime down there is so high it's fucking horrible especially the poverty rates. Are you sure there isn't a white-majority island? Where have you been? What is St Thomas, St Kitts, Nevis, Grand Turk like?

Travellers Travails / The Caribbean
« on: October 28, 2014, 02:08:54 am »
What is the least poor (i.e. wealthiest and richest) Caribbean country with the least black people?

Sanctuary Marketplace / Re: FS 250GBPS DDOS attacks.
« on: October 27, 2014, 07:17:25 pm »
[img width=800 height=533][/img]

but bby gurl, i haz enough luvaluva for all of you <3

Bad Ideas / Re: California Novelty IDs?
« on: October 27, 2014, 01:16:12 am »
My friend who works at Disney produces replicas for movies; One of his perfections are dollar bills, and California IDs'. Since he produces high-end replicas for high-end full feature films, he charges quite a lot for replicas, somewhere in the region of $325 per card, $2500 minimum order.

Oral Indulgences / Re: What Did You Have For Dinner?
« on: October 26, 2014, 10:43:32 pm »
[img width=800 height=500][/img]

Prawns feta bacon pepper and a nice crispy crust with salad

The veins are showing in your girlfriend's breasts. You should get that checked out, maybe go to a Florida beach for a week.

Spurious Generalities / Re: Shelbea West Thread?
« on: October 26, 2014, 07:08:10 pm »
Somebody  (possibly op) posted some pictures of some girl from some blog and people started talking about what they'd like to do to her. She and/or her friends found out about it and promptly got vagitated and butthurt and eventually she deleted everything

I am not Shriek

Spurious Generalities / Re: Shelbea West Thread?
« on: October 26, 2014, 07:02:00 pm »
Refresh my memory...Shelbea West?

Shelbea West, the Queen of Zoklet;

Once commonly known as the most beautiful girl alive in the whole of Zoklet land

Sanctuary Marketplace / Re: FS 250GBPS DDOS attacks.
« on: October 26, 2014, 06:37:44 pm »

Spurious Generalities / Re: Shelbea West Thread?
« on: October 26, 2014, 06:33:31 pm »
Oh god that thread was so cringeworthy yet so lulzy at the same time

At least until the third page or so, then it was just cringeworthy

Someone needs to post up her album of photos.

Sanctuary Marketplace / Re: FS 250GBPS DDOS attacks.
« on: October 26, 2014, 06:12:20 pm »
Alright, this thread has me interested, so interested I resurrected an account since I didn't plan on registering after Zoklet died.

250 GBPS is a substantial amount of bandwidth, which could be used to eliminate online competition, while I am not interested in using this for anything other than research and educational purposes, I would like to see how this would be executed without involving a botnet.

I can afford access to the system, but I am more interested in actually purchasing the entire system which is capable of doing this, as long as certain terms are met.

PM me with your Jabber (+ OTR Fingerprint) or PGP keys and we can discuss this more thoroughly if you are willing to accept the terms.

- Fully Escrowed Transaction (Escrow Service Yet To Be Determined)
- Bitcoin Only (Willing To Pay 375 BTC or $131,250 USD; Negotiable)
- System Must Include Maintenance & Must Be Sustainable
- Must Be Willing To Provide Proof of System; Proof of Execution

Please place those bitcoins in to a wallet and sign it with a signature so I know it's actually yours. Then we can talk.

Post Proof of System and preferably Proof of Execution (choose any target) which you should have posted in the original thread and I will consider signing the transaction.

P.S. The only reason you would require a signed transaction at this point would be to determine whether or not it would be worth pursuing this venture, especially if it was a scam, as a signed transaction would give you the necessary leverage to pull in others for the creation of a system which would be substandard. Don't scam me nor waste my time, goyim.

Spurious Generalities / Re: Shelbea West Thread?
« on: October 26, 2014, 05:32:41 pm »
zomg - Shelbea West - were you even here in 2012?

Sanctuary Marketplace / Re: FS 250GBPS DDOS attacks.
« on: October 26, 2014, 04:51:19 pm »
Another thing I didn't get to mention in Zoklet: YOU CAN BE A MUD FARMER AND HAVE A REG DATE OF 2011.

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