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Messages - Nasheeds and Lesbians

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News of the Sanctuary / Re: The New Rules (Currently in Beta)
« on: October 28, 2014, 08:24:16 pm »
Mormonism: Life in the key of Beta

A story by Arnox

Oh the Humanities! / Re: Difference between Confidence and Arrogance
« on: October 28, 2014, 08:23:21 pm »
confidence test: DaGuru, PM me a picture of yourself and if you're not hilarious and pathetic looking I won't spam it everywhere

what a shitty IQ salesman you are

I have a shitty fucking memory but goddamn, do I ever wish it was worse

Ive felt like absolute shit the last 2 days because of this girls awesomeness converging with my cynicism/alienation with bormals/manipulativeness etc. etc. etc.

I will be talking to her tomorrow and I think afterwards I will feel like it was worth it big time

Bad Ideas / Re: How I Paid for College
« on: October 28, 2014, 05:58:27 pm »
you're alright, crazzyass

I heard a story about a duck from a guy from north Dakota who was SWIMMING in a dream about fraud/darknet markets

Oh the Humanities! / Re: Difference between Confidence and Arrogance
« on: October 28, 2014, 05:43:58 pm »
probly the best thread you've ever made

I saw that because I'm confident, not arrogant so I can admit you have some value

confidence is grounded in the world, arrogance is grounded in yourself if that makes any sense. I'm still trying to work on it tbh


speaking of cringe:

you're mad as hell at being presented with the fact that a throwaway story of teenage degeneracy is more interesting than the "most intense drug experience" of a mexican drug addicts life is more interesting. That story is borderline PI coupled with the "house arrest" comment. There's a lot more to the story really but it's super unbelievable I know and you're totally not mad and puking and crying

"I'm a real person!"
>says "nigga" unironically
>posts rap videos
"nobody is impressed"
>literally a vizier post
>implying being impressed was the point
>implying opening your door during a party and seeing a guys face all bloody and dripping while on E is unbelievable
>triple posts


Aren't you a fucking meth head or something? I've only taken meth like twice but one was at a "burning man" type hippie fest which is a better story than yours but totally unbelievable because I didn't puke and shower and cry.

another time I took acid and went to a massive george bush protest of the Iraq war when he was in town, smoked salvia in a graveyard, took a fuckload more acid and watched some of a daft punk anime movie, then smoked more salvia in a parking garage then the next day people told me I was on the news in a massive flag tent in a drum circle like a faggot

Dont worry, this story isn't true, just like everything else I've ever posted because I'm a contrived internet persona herp derp boring

thread just got good

you seem mad

I wasn't trying to be antagonistic, it looked really cringey and the last sentence is "I cried myself to sleep last night"

objectively, it's very cringey

I don't even understand this thread really, I was basically high for 2 years, maybe more but the effects of teh drugz kinda paled in comparison to extrenious things that happened during that time

writing an essay about puking, showering and holding your GFs hand while crying yourself to sleep is GAY AS FUCK and incredibly boring. I ate a handful of E at a party at my place after getting arrested earlier that day then drank a shitload of Swish, wrestled a knife out of a guys hand who was mad because his gf was in the apt and he got his face put through the front window of the building by a couple guys, then he somehow came back up and I opened the door and his face was basically falling off, and the cops were coming so we all ran out the apartment and I ended up passing out on railroad tracks and waking up to my buddy fucking this skankbag who'd be a scourge on our lives for almost a year and resulted in me getting arrested again like 6 months later. That was when I was 19 and didn't even start doing anything interesting yet. Its a shitty story but still better than you crying and puking like a faggot.

Sex & Affection / Re: My girl said she will never cheat on me ever.....
« on: October 28, 2014, 05:05:57 pm »
I would laugh so hard if OP is the one who cheats instead.

Mormons confirmed for humorless retards

I was addicted to lorazepam before and it caused trouble

didn't read


I skimmed it and cringed wherever my eyes fell

Newfies are "Challenged Canadians"

Half Baked / Re: Nigger ducks
« on: October 28, 2014, 05:02:05 pm »
His "real world experience" is getting beaten up by Haitians in Florida which is arguably the stupidest state. You can just read infinityshocks posts and know he's from Florida he's so incredibly stupid, cringy and boring

I heard a story about a dragon who had a dream of someone SWIMming who literally had a Haitian crip murderer sewing his dry fit under armor shirts in prison

the head gurl from the arcade fire is Haitian too. All in all, decent folk

News of the Sanctuary / Re: The New Rules (Currently in Beta)
« on: October 28, 2014, 04:50:03 pm »
tried to type a reply but it kept coming up "kill yourself Arnox" over and over again

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