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Messages - UserToast

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Reinvent Yourself / Re: sanctuary tattoo
« on: October 11, 2014, 12:53:22 am »
More like should be &8=3 better yet &=3

Help & Suggestions / Re: What is the meaning of this?
« on: October 11, 2014, 12:50:15 am »
You know that's not actually a real name right?

Head Shrinkers / Re: nitrous oxide suicide
« on: October 11, 2014, 12:45:03 am »
and yes stealing a tank from hospital gets you much higher that whippets because of absolute supply......just have that motion and close the valve when you may pass out

It's true, out of experience, a tank will always get's you higher probably a purity thing. There are ways to get one without stealing though. Make sure as fuck that you figure out how to control the temp like he's stated or otherwise. If you freeze yourself not only could you react badly freak and end up brain damaged in a hospital you could also freeze your noodle and get drain bamage on the way to the floor. Messy situation to have the rents clear up...  :P

inb4shadylady is dead-zorz  ???

Spurious Generalities / Re: Let's ban all raisins
« on: October 10, 2014, 08:24:25 pm »

Raisins are people, too.

You're being unraisanable?

Sex & Affection / Re: "Sarcastic Bisexual"
« on: October 10, 2014, 08:21:50 pm »
Ah, you're right. What a silly joke? I'm not really alive.

We'll I've gotcha beat there I don't even exist according to some people! It's like a step down from non-alive and right below dead !!

Spurious Generalities / Re: Totse memories
« on: October 10, 2014, 08:19:17 pm »
Oh, just remembered the whole Chunt v HTS fight that was supposed to go down. So much hype for the fight just for HTS to show up fucked up on Cough Syrup so they ended up bar hopping or something lame. I wish Chunt would have just busted him in the face a few times any way.

That pic was the only thing win about that meet up. Sucks that HTS didn't have the stones to show up sober and take his punishment it looked like he was suffering as it was. Idk he did deserve it though 

Anime / Re: My favorite anime would have to be...........
« on: October 10, 2014, 08:02:01 pm »
True, but she might not have shot him if they hadn't prepared her for him right? So in order for her to fail at killing him and him to meet the Doc they must have taken place. Then I'd have to say it must have been the events of the war in his home country, the death of his birth parents before crossing the border and being found by soldiers. The events after which were told by the story about a soul stealing monster saying that because he had forgotten his name he would go around killing people to steal their names .

The Great Outdoors / Re: The organic gardening thread
« on: October 10, 2014, 07:54:06 pm »
That is one sweet looking garden! I grow organic every year as well and it's not as easy, but it's not hard to make a pesticide out of hot sauce and like vinegar or something and use eggshells to boost up yields a little. Tomatoes can't go wrong with organic, but carrots never seem to be as satisfying although they do taste better. All sorts of stuff, peppers squash. It's all good and organic is the best, clearly!

*composting*  :D

Anime / Re: My favorite anime would have to be...........
« on: October 10, 2014, 07:49:23 pm »
Because of the events of course that occurred at Red Rose Mansion and the orphanarium that turned him into a psychopathic controlling murder machine.

Anime / Re: My favorite anime would have to be...........
« on: October 10, 2014, 07:39:06 pm »
Monster because it's messed up and easily a better story than half the thrown together mash up anime, manga-that-goes-on-forever-about-what-amounts-to-virtually-nothing, that i have watched in the past. Also it's got intrigue out the waZoo and action but the plot doesn't center around it too often. Good all around style and characters that make you give a hoot

pop quiz: why did Johan do literally anything?

Wasn't it because he wanted to die and knew he was a monster that's why he wanted to be killed after murdering their parents and got patched up?

Damn that sucks that bltc went downhill. Gotta admit it doesnt seem like that big of a problem to me as there are loads of other chats with the drugs and the internet technology

Spurious Generalities / Re: Zok has finally taken Zoklet down
« on: October 10, 2014, 07:27:52 pm »
It's so good to hear it!  8) /irony

Anime / Re: My favorite anime would have to be...........
« on: October 10, 2014, 07:25:53 pm »
Monster because it's messed up and easily a better story than half the thrown together mash up anime, manga-that-goes-on-forever-about-what-amounts-to-virtually-nothing, that i have watched in the past. Also it's got intrigue out the waZoo and action but the plot doesn't center around it too often. Good all around style and characters that make you give a hoot

Bad Ideas / Re: Killing people
« on: October 10, 2014, 07:14:36 pm »
Can't count out a good old shanking every now and again. Be prepared to run!
What's that in your avatar, dude?

Just some random abstract shite to look at basically. Inspired by the app, guage. It's a game  good shit :cool:

Head Shrinkers / Re: nitrous oxide suicide
« on: October 10, 2014, 07:06:28 pm »
You could actually use whippits but it would be more unpleasant and take lomger. Something with a plastic bag maybe a few big rubberbands. Superglue that shit over your head with a small tube connected to a charger and keep releasing / reloading whippits into it until you feel yourself passing out. Hope for the best, it isnt perfect but it could work and it'll only set you back 125 buckaroos leaving you with a week full of steak dinners and strippers until your next attempt!

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