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Messages - redsky

Pages: [1] 2
Network (in)Security / Re: Fucking Truecrypt I'm getting rid of this shit
« on: October 01, 2014, 03:45:10 am »
I use LUKS/dm-crypt full disk encryption on all my systems. IMO it's more secure than TC, largely because you can set a very high PBKDF2 iteration count to significantly slow down brute force/dictionary attacks.

If you're doing system encryption, you'll need a small (200-500MB) unencrypted boot partition to hold the kernel and initramfs, and likely some knowledge of LVM.

Can someone please explain to me why we need CP/jailbait here when half of the fucking darknet is full of it?

Freedom? Nobody is asking for CP to be allowed, but JB has been a part of nearly every fringe discussion board since the early 00s. I have no particular interest in sourcing or posting it here, but the freedom to share such controversial material is largely what set TOTSE apart from the rest of the internet at the time.

But hey, I guess this isn't TOTSE, it's just a dwindling collection of faggots talking in circles and contributing nothing new, novel or interesting.

Technophiliacs & Technophiles / Re: All modern laptops suck.
« on: September 30, 2014, 06:02:35 pm »
I suppose you're right, most consumers don't use laptops for productivity, so a bottom of the barrel widescreen display suits them fine. I just want something like my Thinkpad T61 with modern hardware. IMO that was probably the best laptop ever made.

Technophiliacs & Technophiles / Re: All modern laptops suck.
« on: September 30, 2014, 05:43:14 pm »
Y'all are missing the point. I'm not bitching about low resolutions, but rather the use of TV aspect ratios on laptops. These screens need to be tall, at minimum 900 vertical pixels to be usable for the kind of work I and other developers do. Massive horizontal resolutions do nothing but drain the battery and waste GPU rendering power.

My 1600x1200 20" LCD desktop monitor is awesome. I can fit over 100 lines of code on my screen. A 1366x768 laptop? Utterly useless, even for banging out a couple scripts while sitting in a hotel room on a business trip. Poor contrast, GUI apps and icons appear massive and take up most of the screen, no vertical real estate. These displays are designed for watching films and playing games.

Is it just me or are the only people who hate Macs for seemingly no reason too poor to have ever afforded one? What's wrong you hate top of the line hardware and superior build quality? Seriously?

EL OH FUCKING EL. I cleared $4K this month, but I have no interest in an overpriced hipster machine with mid-range, locked in hardware. For a similar price I can get a new Dell Latitude and have a vastly superior chassis, screen, and keyboard with the ability to add more RAM and a large SSD if I so desire. But whatever floats your boat, several of my colleagues own Macbook Pro models and they are certainly built more solidly than your average $500 consumer laptop. I don't hate them, but I largely blame Apple for starting the idiotic glossy screen trend some 8 years ago.

(Typical Mac fanboy ignores the OP in order to respond to a tangential comment poking fun at his precious Apple products)

What's wrong with Macbook keyboards?

Island style keys with poor spacing and inadequate tactile feedback.

Spurious Generalities / Re: what happened to zoklet ?
« on: September 30, 2014, 11:11:51 am »

abuse of authority,

harassment of content


retarded policies

kidiotic nonsense


Technophiliacs & Technophiles / All modern laptops suck.
« on: September 30, 2014, 10:47:37 am »
The display is by far the most important consideration when purchasing a laptop to do real work. So why the fuck do they all have 16:9 aspect ratios now? When I'm writing code, editing lengthy config files, reading documents, browsing the web, chatting etc., I want at least 1200 vertical pixels and no more than 1600 horizontal. Yet the most common 'HD' displays are bottom of the barrel 1366x768 TN LCDs with a low contrast ratio, and a surface finish that resembles a fucking mirror and makes the thing totally unusable in a well lit room or outdoors. For an extra $100 I was able to source a 'Full HD' anti-glare panel for one of my machines, which has 1920 horizontal, but only 1080 vertical! Great for TV, mediocre at best for computing. Do these assholes actually think we buy laptops for the sole purpose of watching movies and gaming, or are they trying to cheap out and standardize manufacturing processes throughout all electronic product lines? Not even going to discuss the absurdity of touch screens.

And what the hell happened to quality keyboards? The Thinkpad T420 had the last good design, then they switched to island style and became as shitty as Macbooks.

Fuck you all for giving us gems like Ivy Bridge/Haswell CPUs, double digit GB DDR3 RAM and fast SSDs wrapped up in shiny, poorly designed polished shit.

Bitch & Moan / Re: This site has too many rules
« on: September 30, 2014, 03:02:37 am »
I have over 200 000 jailbait pics I can't post because Arnox is a faggot

Everything *NIX / Re: unbreakable matter uses OSX as a whonix VM host
« on: September 30, 2014, 02:53:20 am »

Sex & Affection / Re: What's your type?
« on: September 30, 2014, 12:52:47 am »
14 years old

Spurious Generalities / Re: What's this decade called?
« on: September 30, 2014, 12:49:51 am »
I knew 10 years ago that technology would soon enslave us all and send society into terminal decline.

So I enjoyed the hell out of my adolescent years while they lasted and now I'm just waiting around to see the imminent destruction and chaos.

Thread needs more CP, but I'm sick of registering new accounts

Everything *NIX / Re: unbreakable matter uses OSX as a whonix VM host
« on: September 30, 2014, 12:33:33 am »
i can't find a single reference that claims airvpn keeps logs. sauce?

Everything *NIX / Re: unbreakable matter uses OSX as a whonix VM host
« on: September 29, 2014, 11:43:53 pm »
airvpn is god

I like that mizled and unwyred have no authoritay

Everything *NIX / Re: unbreakable matter uses OSX as a whonix VM host
« on: September 29, 2014, 11:40:27 pm »
wuts bleackbit

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