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Messages - Internet-Weed-Dude

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Bitch & Moan / negro-erectus
« on: November 22, 2014, 07:44:28 pm »

Bitch & Moan / Re: Enter
« on: November 12, 2014, 03:53:22 am »
I really have no place on a forum like this. That's not an insult or a compliment. I don't know if my posting style is good or bad but it's a waste of time here, clearly. Not saying that to be a dick or because I'm mad & bleeding from my verbally ruptured anus or any negative emotions... other than the fact that it's a waste of time. Sites like this are defined by their userbase and this particular site doesn't encourage posts like the OP but rather posts like each of the rest here.

I'm not leaving or anything just changing what I do when I'm here.

Bitch & Moan / Enter
« on: November 10, 2014, 12:14:27 pm »
I'll bet Enter just experienced a dopamine release in his brain upon taking notice of this thread and will now even at a subconscious level be even more likely to check through the stuff going on within this community. This might even be the into... er... the thesanctuary post that acts as a metaphor in this context for "yanking your fishing rod until the hook rips through the side of the fishes mouth".

Now you're hooked on this site, Enter.

This thread is a psychoanalysis with (FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER) no personal bias that fucks with the legitimacy of the message displayed as it corresponds with what I am guessing to be the God's honest truth. I'm not going to make it very long... I mean by my own standards. I think someone slipped a "Mood stabilizer" into my Peach "Vexx" earlier tonight when I was doing a hot-rail in my buddies bathroom and things are all pseudo-homeostatic on me. 2 more paragraphs at most.

Enter... here's the bad news. You're a sweet, kind and empathetic young man... (Keep in mind this is all just a guess and for the sake of fun and entertainment... I am not claiming to know that I am right about any of this) You legitimately feel or have felt serious guilt as a result of things that have occurred within this community whether totse/zoklet/theintosanctuary because of you. The reason you do it... is a psychological attachment in your subconscious mind that is linked to being berated, talked down to, abused, neglected, disliked, etc. You consciously have no idea what the fuck is wrong with you or anything about who you even are... You don't know who you're supposed to be but you want to be liked. What you don't realize is you only consciously want to be liked and recognized for positive things... even something like winning an argument and making someone look like a retard against your wit on an internet forum. That is still a desire to be recognized for something positive... which you ARE one of the few that truly are gifted in the ways that lead to such to a degree in which it's actually possible for you and not for most others. But you're not getting what you want in life and you don't know why. Why is it you can't seem to stop running from the things you want? I'm making this assumption based on my knowledge surrounding the fact that everything is connected and if you think of congruent triangles and what you learned about them in elementary school... think of the smaller of the two congruent triangles as representing the one example of this that bleeds through your fingers into your forum posts. Whatever it is or whatever sums up to an entirety that gives me reason to guess that you sabotage yourself on a subconscious level and prevent yourself from getting what you consciously desire. (I think in this case what you consciously desire is what you truly desire whereas these subconscious attachments are like a virus of the mind hijacking the parts of it it's found in and turning your own intelligence against you attacking your own success to get to where you want to be).

My guess that this is a major phenomena within your mentality is based on seeing one example of it within your posts & the context they're posted in & interpreted by myself within with consideration to everything I've ever seen you post/do... That example being your evident awareness of your own struggles to be accepted by... women... by the collective entirety of this community as a whole... by humankind.

You want to know you're fucking boss and to know that everyone else knows it too... that everyone else has their attention drawn to you and recognizes you for something beyond average...

But on a deeper level that you're not even aware of you have a psychological attachment which would behave in the mind as a need that flashes by too quickly to consciously verbalize with your internal monologue or illustrate a picture of so you have no idea that you yourself have been using your own intelligence against yourself to fail at being recognized as something awesome and desirable... and as a result... have been aiming your focus towards people and behavior towards people that will result in you being disapproved of... upsetting someone until they tell you something bad about yourself... caring only about the opinions of those that talk down to you and craving it more than the compliments of respectable people that you can somehow even tell doesn't make sense since you know you're not some piece of shit... and you're clearly smart enough to realize that there's more to respect in kindness and morality than in sadistic behaviors. You probably think guys that think they're all cool acting the way you act on here... but in real life... are fucking douchebags. you probably can't put the pieces together when you psychoanalyze yourself and you probably get overwhelmed and think shit like "Whoa... fuck... I'm fucked up". until now - the day that will be remembered as ''entering retribution"

Why would you subconsciously want something that is the exact opposite of what you really want? Negative experiences in the past and regular psychological conditioning surrounding repeated non- obvious detrimental behaviors that were not even necessarily a part of your lifestyle but even just within your mental processes and/or responses to things within your mind. People get attached to ANYTHING. Unfortunately a lot of those things make absolutely no logical sense in terms of efficacy in improving one's life.

At some point you got in the habit of being put down. You were probably teased and unfortunately... and i'm not making fun of it and i mean it... you were probably also abused. Maybe even sexually. I'd almost bet money on it and as fucking retarded as I may look in guessing that... you honestly might not even remember it if it's true. I'm not saying I know I'm right, once again... but I strongly believe that you have undergone emotional torment as a result of other people on top of your own insecurities which were then amplified until these negative feelings resulted in a near constant state of feelings of inferiority to others and low confidence and then it just stayed like that likely for long or indefinite periods of times until it became the normal...

And guess what... you can fantasize about things that would equate to indisputably positive changes to your life or self and enjoy the fantasy non-stop... but ALL change causes leaving your comfort zone even if that particular type of comfort zone is at a level deeper than the world around you... in your state of consciousness... or maybe ego is the word to use here. A lot of changes that can be made to ones life that feel good to imagine demand you to leave comfort zones and a psychological comfort zone like permanent feelings of inferiority... say... it's like an anchor combined with a map of what defines your consciousness as you interpret it. moving away from it even if the place is shitty is SCARY and out of your comfort zone

So what happens if this all happens at a level of your consciousness that is beneath what you can recognize within your own mind until now that your light of thought has been guided down this path and you can clearly see it and choose ''fuck that negative attachment to negative attention/feelings about myself - i want the things i WANT not the opposite" or something similar... what happens if you are not able to recognize that this is occurring within you because it's so deeply engrained that you can't consciously perceive it?

Would you... do exactly what you do on here or have done on totse/zoklet in the past?

That's the small congruent triangle.

There's endless congruencies that probably follow this pattern in your life and recognizing the possibility when considering any tendencies you have that are obviously detrimental to getting to where you want to be in life (which you have the talent to do... fucking seriously man you could be awesome to quite a rare degree based on what i've seen from you to come to that guess over the years)... You are attached to failure at a deep psychological level and almost everything that comes with it including the effect overall inferiority or belief in being of such has on interactions with other people... women... etc.

If this sounds retarded... Do you ever secretly feel satisfaction when talking with the women you hate that aren't interested in you even if you aren't attracted to them sexually... how about people in general of either gender? who do you want to impress? the kind, likeable person that you recognize respectable traits in or the piece of shit that just so happens to have made it very clear at some point that he/she values you as pretty much worthless and isn't afraid to tell you...?

I would normally end this here. (I was jk. Meth, bitches) But this goes even beyond what I've explained (in my guess).

Enter, you have a fantastic ear. You very likely have perfect pitch and would do great at any instrument you truly devoted time to if you haven't already. You can bring up/recall things you've heard in your life from personalities that have been created for purposes of entertainment PERFECTLY when a situation arises. You would be one of the greatest actors on the planet (or... really good, i also would) if given the opportunity to try.

You're looking for who the fuck you are and when you watch movies with characters you think are pretty fucking sweet you probably shift in how you've decided to act for that time period until you forget and just feel all fucked up and depressed again. This combined with what I said before... it keeps feeding the vicious cycle as you feel less and less enthusiastic about the deeply hidden real you, often replaced by replicas of the personalities exhibited by others... all while wanting more than anything to be liked and thought highly of and accepted. You have tried very hard to entertain other users here. That's you. You're good natured. You imitate personalities as you search for the real self you've buried under self-loathing all based on years of self-loathing itself and to STOP you'd have to be aware of it and to make yourself aware of it would be too out of the comfort zone for you. well now you're aware of it.

You have been more capable of achieving huge things than most your whole life, likely and you have been sabotaging your own goals at a subconscious level for years and years because of a deep rooted attachment to things associated with feeling inferior non-stop and resorting to what you see in other people and characters to represent yourself... quoting things from movies and such... because you trust any of that a lot more than something from you.

This isn't easy to put in laymens terms. Take it for what it is, Enter. Not a diss, not a compliment... Just something I think COULD be of use to you to have pointed out and also might be BS. Unless you're feeling like acting like a dick to me (which is cool I'm a pussy and i love that shit) could you let me know if any of this makes you dance and yell "EUREKAA" with one "a" and not two of them?

wouldn't the excitatory neurotransmitter be more likely to cause cell degeneration and plaques vs GABA "cushioning" those neurons

Lol ur stupid

This guy thinks he's all smart and meanwhile he's not even that smart...

unless of course, it's OPPOSITE day. in which case he's not smarter than me.


omg what if an increase in glutamate or somehow in electric activity in general is something that could cure or benefit alsheimers victims??? i wonder if anyone could somehow look into testing something like this if it hasn't already been done? i would really like to see humanity rid of that fucking absolutely catastrophic disease. that disease is the most awful occurrence I think I have ever been aware of the existence of... tbh. i wonder if amplified efficacy of GABA or the corresponding inhibition in the brain is somehow a precursor to the plaques and tangles between the neurons of the brains of alsheimers patients or to whatever eventually may cause them?? what can we discover now to help fight against this disease as a result of THIS possible and probable correlation... is what i hope people have thought about before acting on said thoughts since THIS study was published publically.

It's OK, I'm older than you. You'll catch up.
shut the fuck up

Head Shrinkers / Re: MBTI personality?
« on: November 08, 2014, 07:44:58 am »

Spot on. Wow.

I'm wondering if it's less impressive that it seems that way than it would initially appear for whatever reason...

Oh well, good enough.

you're such a worthless piece of shit

I love you.

(You secretly crave rejection.)

Head Shrinkers / Re: MBTI personality?
« on: November 08, 2014, 07:16:03 am »

Spot on. Wow.

I'm wondering if it's less impressive that it seems that way than it would initially appear for whatever reason...

Oh well, good enough.

« on: November 07, 2014, 10:30:55 pm »
Dumpster Slut is right... although I don't agree with the idea of being a dick to Arnox. Let's work with him so he'll want to do the same.

Internet-Weed-Dude is IN THE HOUSE!!!

i see no objective differences

This is seriously the kid who claims to be some sort of superhuman genius?  Why don't you explain to me how exactly you'd go about causing a ballpeen hammer to exert anticonvulsant, antispasmodic, anxiolytic, muscle relaxant, sedative, OR hypnotic effects?  One, any combination, all of them, doesn't matter.  Or explain how a ballpeen hammer could cause increased efficiency of the neurotransmitter GABA?  Do you even know what GABA stands for off the top of your head?  You really don't, do you?  And you have the nerve to make one of the most facepalmworthy insults/comparisons, as close to literally dribbling with ignorance as one could get, in reference to a drug that directly and primarily affects that particular neurotransmitter?  Do you even understand how gamma amino butyric acid works?  Do you understand the feelings it primarily affects in humans?

Furthermore and on the other end of the spectrum of this question which is the textual manifestation of ignorance, have you ever even used a hammer in your life?  You don't even know what a ballpeen hammer specificially is, do you?  You just wanted to mention a specific type of hammer to sound more like you had the slighest inkling that you knew what you were talking about, but you wouldn't know the different between a ballpeen and a claw hammer if your eyeball being slammed with one depended on it, would you?  I see absolutely no reason the specific type of hammer would bear a significant or even noticeable difference upon the efficacy of the smashing of that hammer into your head replicating the effects of a psychoactive compounds which works on the GABA system.

You're either 1), such a pussyass bitch that you can't stay awake on Xanax and actually enjoy the anxiolysis, among other pleasurable effects it produces, or 2) you're too stupid to realize that if x dose causes you to knock out before being able to enjoy the high, maybe you should try x divided by 2 next time, or, more likely than either of those, you're worse than a combination of the two could ever even dream of aspiring to be?

Should I stop yet, or have you finally managed to grasp and accept the fact that you're stupid?

Dude... seriously?

Fucking seriously?! Everyone else? WHY AM I THE FIRST PERSON QUOTING THIS!

I'm not even going to explain why, fuck it. I'm just being an annoying troll and giving Quinny here a hard time. It's all fun and games. and no one will think it's true now that I've been up-front about it. don't even ask me to explain why this had better be a troll..

Bitch & Moan / Re: Maybe Zok had the right idea in barely posting.
« on: November 06, 2014, 01:59:37 am »
if Zek was gotten rid of, 50% or more of the hate/insults would stop. 

Probably more like 90+ %.

With every day that goes by when I log on here, it just baffles me more and more how insane this whole thing has dissolved in such a short amount of time. To think Arnox has pissed away his own credibility, lost so much respect and trust from a majority of the userbase, and more than likely completely flushed any possible future for this website to be something worthwhile right down the drain...and all for what? The rhetoric of "Zek is niiicceee"????

Naivete, ego and outright stubbornness makes people do some really fucked up things.....

Don't you think there's something to be said for those who stick to their guns despite massive criticism? I think it's particularly noble for him to do it out of kindness for someone else that is a stand-out target for ridicule out of empathy. I want to specifically point out that I'm not commenting on my personal moral stance on the personal life of zek/equanimity because I simply don't know enough about it to get into that. This isn't an argument against anything you've said as of yet I'm genuinely curious if you can respect this in Arnox or not and I'm going to use your response to for verity in my interpretation of your thoughts in that forgiveness thread. I'm going to turn you into somebody that cares about everyone, DaGuru.

Bitch & Moan / Re: Come ON guys.
« on: November 05, 2014, 08:53:42 pm »
If RisiR/DaGuru/Spectre is to be believed, I'm Satan.

ELL OH FUCKIN ELL @ putting yourself on THAT kind of pedestal. Remember a few days ago I discussed you having a "god complex"? Perfect example right there, imagining yourself (mistakenly) of possessing that kind of purpose or power. And don't look now, but the last post where I compared you to anything was the very accurate description of a 3-legged mouse that chewed his own limb off because of his mind numbing stupidity. Couldn't be any more un-Satanlike if you tried. :facepalm:

As for you IWD, I'd hate to see you leave as I still believe you are one of the better and more entertaining posters around here. Besides, you still have unfinished business in the mercy/forgiveness thread. So please forgive my outright selfishness, and show the rest of us some mercy and at least finish that thread to its deserved completion. Pretty please?

Are you sure you're the type of guy that can handle an intellectual debate of the caliber of what's coming then? We have opposing views DaGuru... be warned. I don't want to have to do this.

Bitch & Moan / Re: Come ON guys.
« on: November 05, 2014, 08:51:19 pm »
Honestly Arnox, I do have a lot of respect for that.

Thanks dude.

There goes the one single time I will ever say that to anyone on here...

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