« on: September 18, 2014, 03:35:06 am »
You made no actual point as to overpopulation being a problem. You did highlight a glaring culture of waste and overabundance in the shit show that is America. All those things you listed, deforestation, co2 emissions, peak oil are all caused by greed culture. Innovation could solve a great many of those issues. Wind farms, solar panels that get better every year, hydroelectric solutions, GMO foods. All viable solutions if properly invested in.
Being born in Africa has nothing to do with overpopulation and everything to do with being born in a shit hole with no natural resource and hoping to thrive there. Only two people could live there and still be starving to death. What we need is to start reinforce the thoughts of a global culture and not these nationalistic team sports we're entrenched in. Raise up the lowest of us and educate. It can be done but not with these mega corporations riding thier profit margins in to the apocalypse.