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Messages - MoaningLisa

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 26
Bad Ideas / Re: Getting my boss's boss fired
« on: December 11, 2014, 04:22:56 am »
someone like this has pissed people off in the past. dig up some dirt on him, or get him to absolutely snap, and get it on video.


find where he parks his car at night
jack up a wheel
rotate so valve stem is at the top
remove valve stem
fill tire with water/piss/quickrete

lol @ $2500 transmission failure

seriously though, the BI approach might be the best one here, sometimes shitty people need to be taken down a notch

Travellers Travails / Re: PA to Atlanta to ATX
« on: December 10, 2014, 12:11:38 am »
I have 2 pairs of wool socks, sweat pants, gym shorts, thermal underwear, jeans and good boots for my lower half, and a shirt, a zip up hoodie, pull over hoodie, and a ski jacket. I have a facemask and full face helmet, with good gloves. definitely getting a scarf or something.

Travellers Travails / PA to Atlanta to ATX
« on: December 09, 2014, 08:29:28 pm »
on saturday, I get kicked out of the dorm hall for winter break.

I was doing a top-end reseal kit on my car, the professor in charge of the lab found out I wasn't an automotive student, and kicked me out. the kids that were left working on my car somehow managed to fuck it all to shit. it misfired when they got done, now apparently it won't even start. I'm pissed, but being pissed isn't going to get me to Texas.

I have family in Atlanta, which is about 12 hours due south of here.

Atlanta to Texas is about 16 hours.

all stated times are always about 1/3rd faster when on a bike...this 1978 CB750 I found on craigslist

anyways, its going to be 38 degrees and dry here on saturday, idk about the rest of the way.

I have good biker gear, facemask, helmet, jacket, gloves...

I am going to buy a couple of those "hot hands" instant heat packets to put on my nuts or in my gloves or wherever to keep from freezing to death.

go ahead and tell me I'm fucking crazy, its what everyone tells me about this...except allweather bikers, who are used to this kind of shenanigans.

I'll keep y'all updated

Bitch & Moan / Re: **VIDEO** of mashleshmash *verified*
« on: December 02, 2014, 03:22:02 am »


I have no words...must have been one hell of a punch.

I'm gunna go on a limb here and say there may have been pre-existing issues, or complications in surgery. going to be interesting to see how this ends legally.

Oral Indulgences / Re: hot peppers
« on: December 01, 2014, 12:41:50 am »
I always keep habeneros in the fridge...I've gotten to the point where I can down one, wait 5 minutes, sip down a glass of milk and I will be fine.

tabasco is like ketchup

I am growing a scorpion pepper, because, as I understand it, the average scorpion pepper is hotter than the average ghost pepper.

I worked at a pizza place, and the cooks had a going contest to see who could come up with the hottest sauce. one of the cooks got this stuff called "the source". he touched a toothpick to the cork of the vial, there was no visual amount of fluid on the toothpick. I touched it to my tongue, and I had this whole-body burn for like 4 amount of soda could cure it, and we didn't have milk.

this shit is no joke...7.1 million scoville units

anyways, I've gotten conditioned to be able to eat hot stuff no problem from all the comida mexicana I've eaten while I lived in texas, and apparently Pennsylvanians just don't have any tolerance for hot food...the stores don't even sell "hot" salsa. some kid down the hall saw me down a habenero one night, so he tried one. he hallucinated, and drank a bottle of coffee creamer. lol

Spurious Generalities / Re: what kind of job can you get with felonies?
« on: November 23, 2014, 03:59:58 am »
on the round rock side of Austin, maybe not technically RR

Sanctuary Marketplace / Re: Wanted: Cheap Retro video games
« on: November 23, 2014, 03:09:19 am »
There is a website here in the UK where people say they have stuff to offload for free and people just collect.

Its free and saves the person from binning it.

Video games are quite possible as people move, I am suprsied the US does not have this, because this is ideal.

we do, its the craigslist "free section"

Spurious Generalities / Re: what kind of job can you get with felonies?
« on: November 23, 2014, 03:07:54 am »

I would never be allowed to do that at this time in my life. I did an online app for golden coral. I was supposed to go today but I don't have a car and it was flash flooding here... I called and asked if I could come in tomorrow, hopefully they will still let me

wouldn't happen to be the one in Round Rock would it?

Gearheads / Re: Transforming a Vue
« on: November 22, 2014, 06:19:58 pm »
if you got it, rock it lol

it could be a pretty cool one-off if you do it right, I think it would look kickass with a roof rack, headache lights, debadged and sprayed in rinoliner.

on the carpet-DO NOT CUT IT OUT WITH A BOX CUTTER!! there are wires under the carpet and you will fuck shit up. take your time, do it right.

lizardskin is good stuff, but its expensive.

what motor is in it? the Honda V6?

post up some pics

Spurious Generalities / Re: what kind of job can you get with felonies?
« on: November 22, 2014, 06:13:50 pm »

in Victoria tx?

I used to live near the Texas oil fields, now I live near the Marcellus shale fields.

I may just be a greedy motherfucker, but oil industry is most definitely for me. the pay. the time off. the work itself...its all perfect

Spurious Generalities / Re: what kind of job can you get with felonies?
« on: November 22, 2014, 04:55:47 am »
what kind of job do you want?

if you want fat stacks of cash, I'd say go oilfield.
if you want a stable normal job with regular hours and not-shitty pay, construction
if you are afraid of hard work, go get a janitorial job.

one of my friends did a few years for distribution, and he just owned it on his resume...he put something like "2002-2005-ran successful entrepreneurial business with several employees, distribution network, sales department and several repeat customers. 2005-2008- learned a very important lesson about selling drugs."

he works in sales, has a wife and 2 kids...never knew he was a felon until he told me.

Gearheads / Re: Transforming a Vue
« on: November 22, 2014, 03:30:13 am »
the saturn vue is the prequisite to the chevy equinox...its kindof a mom van, like a jeep liberty or something.

honestly, I'd sell it and spend that money on a real jeep or a samurai if you want to be different. geo tracker=cheap samurai.

Gearheads / Re: Replacing a flywheel in a F150
« on: November 22, 2014, 03:21:16 am »
2wd or 4wd?

bellhousing bolts are going to be the hardest part, that, or crawling around under jack stands if you don't have access to a lift.

if you can get a lift, its a morning job, on jack stands I'd set aside a day for it.

Gearheads / Re: Got a whip
« on: November 19, 2014, 07:59:10 pm »
hey for a beater, thats a perfect car. just keep up with maintenance, should last a long time

Better Living Through Chemistry / Re: Making shatter
« on: November 18, 2014, 08:13:27 pm »
if I had a place, I would definitely experiment with making dabs, it seems so easy.

anyways. probably reggie or the cheapest weed you can find...pack it in a pipe, spray butane down the top and collect what comes out...boil/evap off the butane and collect your dabs

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