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Messages - mojo4567

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Spurious Generalities / Re: Goodbye and fuck you
« on: October 08, 2014, 11:35:42 pm »
I hope all the mods choke to death

Bad Ideas / Re: How to start a revolution?
« on: October 08, 2014, 11:31:40 pm »
How would setting someone's house on fire revolt against the government? That's someone's home. Be mad at the man, not your neighbor.

What is your true expectation of someone revolting against the government? How would you measure success of this? You say people do nothing, but what would doing something effective look like?

I dont really know but the cops crackdown when peoples houses go ablaze here which prompts lots of outlash. Overall im too stupid to lead a revolution but will help in one

Spurious Generalities / Re: Goodbye and fuck you
« on: October 08, 2014, 11:23:13 pm »
What more do you expect from a mormon. We belive god lives on a planet in outer space valled kolob so...

Kahn academy teaches awesome

Half Baked / Re: Niggers. Ugly apes of the deep.
« on: October 08, 2014, 11:19:52 pm »
I waited for the lulz but they never came.

Seriously it was just lame


No, it's not hard to determine the quality of a post. That is just another feeble, misguided excuse to allow the shitposters to prosper and allow them to bring the place down, just like they've already done to not one, but two communities. I guess some people are so stupid they never learn, though.

I think you havr assburgers and killjoy syndrome


Nope. white people know everything

I used to take my ballsack and wrap it around my weenie so it looked kinda like a bag, then asked my mother if she wanted a present and promptly revealed my dick as a suprise gift

PCP is the true party mans drug. If the gnome in project x had pcp instead of ecstasy then it would have been a better movie.

Nice work, but it doesn't seem like a very objective form of measurement.

The subject matter is inherently subjective, which does not help. As I said proper agreed-upon guidelines could be written down, rather than working by personal criteria. What would you do to improve the objectivity of this process?

And what do you think of the score I gave you?

The first step would be to find some way to quantify post quality. Decide on a system of measurement that is somewhat objective. An example:

PQ = (total words written / number of posts)

Average words per post isn't a good indicator of post quality, but it could be a good starting point for your system of measurement.

If we take the number the slave equation comes up with and put it over the number this gives you then give a small margine of error we will have a pretty accurate SP predictor.

Isn't $20 a gram average?

Fux sake no. the only place thats ever $20 a gram is the weed shop next to my house, and only old people go there

Spurious Generalities / Re: Lets ban all kidiots
« on: October 08, 2014, 02:35:52 pm »
hey were providing new lifeblood to the legacy. You old farts arent very good fresh

Money Money Money... / Re: Should I drop out and fund a franchise?
« on: October 08, 2014, 12:34:45 pm »
Most of us that browse sites such as this.. well, hated school for the most part. And, understandably. I find the educational system of the modern day to be a complete crock. However, as you get older.. you'll learn that regardless of certain truths.. there are moments in your life where.. I wouldn't say you "need" to play by the rules. Just that, somethings are worth doing as society intends. A high-school education is unfortunately on of them. I nearly dropped out myself.. would have been kicked out for absences had it not been for my distinguished portfolio and good test scores (terrible GPA though).. All in all, looking back I'm glad I finished high school. Life will hit you hard after its over.. your young.. impressionable.. your learning. We all think we have it figured out at that age, but to be honest.. as far as high school is from me, the way things have changed, my perspective, how I want to live my life vs. the social norm.. You'll develop your own plan.. and you seem to be doing that.. build those plans, continue research, save money.. research other possible alternatives.. If you reach a point to where you have the freedom and resources, and your still very much interested (because I've had 1000 ideas, and some of them still stick, and others I question my sanity about having).. Trust me, get that Diploma or GED.. you'll be glad you did. And if college isn't for you, then please check out CLEP tests. I wish I had learned about these sooner.. You get college credits for taking an $80 6 hour test... wish is a lot better than thousands of dollars and wasted time. There are enough of those tests to get an associates degree.. And educational status.. no matter how low, gives you a certain edge/prestige over the drop outs and laborers.. in the eyes of the work/professional world that is.

 Just throwing out some advice..

The CLEP sounds interesting, I will look into it. Teaching myself sounds much better. I think I will stay in highschool, but I kind of wish that It wasnt needed so much. I feel like you need to do somwthing with your life during highschool because you have souch emotion that you can invest into anything. Unfourtunantly we are forced to work off a school system that was molded to the 1700's

Bitch & Moan / Re: Suicide jokes
« on: October 07, 2014, 09:18:02 pm »
If it was suicide by train you can be like "lol, he/she died by having a train run on him/her"

i dont think trains even exist anymore

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