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Messages - Drusus

Pages: [1]
Because all the DLC's for a game I own are now -50%. Do you think they will go to -75% in the christmas sale?

Satyr is right.  The community killed itself by allowing itself to be divided. It's a collective failure, and as such, we don't even deserve to carry on. Whether it's this site or some other, whatever remains of Totse is now doomed.

Reinvent Yourself / Re: how many pushups can you do?
« on: November 12, 2014, 02:57:42 pm »
I don't really train for max, but I do 10 sets of 30 regular push-ups, about 2-3 seconds down, 2-3 seconds up. After that I do 10 sets of 15 diamond push-ups. Trying to get to 30 diamonds with good form before I try to tackle one-armed push-ups.

I take the train to my college town, but I'll be damned to ride the bus if I can at all avoid it. Buses are for immigrants and the elderly

I'm glad you brought out the "leadership" aspect as a requisite of being a mod, because it was always my belief mods should also be good if not great contributors most of the time when they do post. Since the entire purpose to a message board is to share information, give helpful advice, or at least give a thought provoking would hope people that are modded have those necessary attributes.

I disagree, and I'm kind of puzzled as to why you see a modship as a position of prestige, because I've always seen you scorn any semblance of "e-rep" as empty baubles in the past.

If a mod is also a good poster, all the better, but the added value comes from his or her contribution, not the modship. The way I see it, it's the regular members that make a community. Mods are only there to ensure the forum does not get flooded with dribble, and that abusive conduct is swiftly dealt with.
A mod is like a referee: he does not join the game, but rather creates the optimal circumstances in which a game can be played.

Hello Arnox. I'm not one to usually give unsollicited advice, but I've been on Totse/Zoklet since 2005, too, and this... thing that was once Totse, while now only a shrivelled shell, still has some sentimental value to me. I'd hate to see this site go down the shitter, too.

My advice? Just mod someone who was not a contested figure on either Totse or Zoklet. Demod Zek, but do not install a mod from the SpecGuru camp to replace her. It's not even a question of whether these people (from both camps) have the right qualities to mod. Moderating a small to medium-sized forum like Sanctuary doesn't exactly require a PhD: I'm sure you can find other suitable candidates. The problem with all these posters I just mentioned is that they are just too divisive; they will split the forum into two camps that are capable of nothing more than slinging shit at each other. Surely everyone agrees that nobody wants that.

Also I would like to add that DaGuru does raise a fair point: you should grow some fucking balls. Maybe you're an insecure virgin in real life, the type that looks rather awkardly at his own feet when someone is bossing him around. But this is the internet.  This is your fucking forum. You're supposed to define what this site is about. Mods are just your enforcers.

Given this, I would urge you to install the most bland, friendless, autistic bureaucrat you can find as a mod, someone who is neither liked nor disliked by anyone, someone without an agenda of his own, and who is loyal only to you and this site's rules. Either that, or start banning people. I would prefer option one, since this forum is already hanging by a thread, but the point I'm trying to make is that you have to do something to install a semblance of order and a consensus about staff policy, so you can at least try to build an active community.

I Found It On The Web / Re: tacho's mom riding the bus
« on: October 12, 2014, 10:03:52 pm »
White dude kinda pussied out but who knows what any of us would have done in that type of retarded situation.

What do you mean pussied out? He had nothing to gain from a physical confrontation. He would be disgraced no matter what the outcome; either for hitting a "woman" or for getting knocked out by one. This situation is sad more than anything else.

Better Living Through Chemistry / Re: Acid Or Mushrooms for First Trip?
« on: September 25, 2014, 10:15:14 am »
Never did acid, but I tripped a few times on shrooms and I had a fantastic time, except maybe once when I was under stress. I didn't have one of those infamous "bad trips", but I felt uneasy. Just make sure to do them when you are not worrying about anything, a friend of mine did totally flip out. After a couple of years you just look back and laugh about it, but at the time he thought he was gonna die. I never saw anyone have such madness in his eyes as then.

Anyway, shrooms can be really awesome. Do it with a couple of good mates, try to stay indoors or at least some place quiet, make sure you won't be disturbed by other people and get good food, good music and whatever entertains you. Enjoy!

Oh by the way, they do taste like old man socks, so if you want to avoid an upset stomach, just brew tea with them. It's what we did and it works just as fine.

Spurious Generalities / Re: Zoklet is actually gone now
« on: September 09, 2014, 03:24:45 pm »
Well, rest in peace, Zoklet.

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