« on: September 19, 2014, 10:34:21 am »
I definitely think e-cigs are in a bit of a fad stage at the moment, especially the 0mg ones which are completely ridiculous. Nic containing ones do work as a quit-smoking aid to a certain extent, I smoked for half my life but I've been cig free for a couple of weeks now because I just hit that e-cig straight into my lungs whenever I get a craving. I still wish I could light a cigarette up though and who knows maybe I will any day now, so it's not the miracle cure some people make it out to be but it helps.
Nicotine does indeed taste like total dog shit, as anyone who's ever chewed nicotine gum knows. This is why I try to keep my liquids around 6mg/ml tops. The flavours are mostly shit too, they taste good for a couple of hours then you get so sick of them that you start dreading having to use your e-cig. I've bought dozens and dozens of flavour concentrates and the only one I still use everyday is called Yuco. Kind of a mild grassy tobacco with chocolate and vanilla in it. That's the only one I can stand.