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Messages - Almost Fat

Pages: [1]
Spectral does not condone cp

Bitch & Moan / Re: ATTN: -SpectraL
« on: September 10, 2014, 03:30:19 am »
Spectral does fight the good fight. He also tells many truths and has been right many times anout many things and many people. Unfortunately he has a poor approach which alienates many who would otherwise rally beside him.

I was on Zoklet on the last day... exactly as promised.. :)

Do you realize that you support cp posters?

Bitch & Moan / Re: Spectral is a sub standard roofer
« on: September 10, 2014, 03:29:48 am »
All roofers do meth, therefore, spectral does not condone cp

Spurious Generalities / Re: Was Zoklet's closing a warrant canary?
« on: September 10, 2014, 02:24:55 am »
Na, I'm in the camp that believes he was just an incompetent idiot. He constantly reared around speaking of new ideas and exciting changes, none of which came. He was an incapable administrator , arnox has already out-played zok's ability in listening to the community .

Bitch & Moan / Re: RIP Pill Popper
« on: September 10, 2014, 02:21:53 am »
He will never be able to figure out how to get here, let alone post

He tried to post a youtube video once and instead posted the google search results for a misspelled video

I never realized that a risk averse basic strategy is actually a contradiction given basic strategy has a negative expectation. So, given a task of maximizing the EV/SD you actually have to MAX your stdev, I was an idiot for not acknowledging the denominator effect.

So, if your ev is -.05 and your SD is 1.0, you're actually better off on risk adjusted basis by making your SD 1.1,1.2... 1,237,838 ~ if you can simultaneously hold ev constant

yeah, I was talking to my brother the other day and he said him and his buddy went down to the casino a year or so ago and his buddy went in the high rollers room and was betting quarters (min bet) and my brothr just sat, chilled and counted talking to the boss and dealer and jumping in when the count was optimal. He said they made $1750 in 3 days by hedging bets and positive progressions when the count/EV was favorable I think it was basically 500% at +4 or something to that effect. He exaggerates sometimes because he talks to women a lot and its kinda annoying. I'm gonna check up on that SD because that seems correct but factoring it as 200% when it's so close to the mean seems dangerous and quantitative progressions are better to take account of nawmean. When I get some time I'll go full autism and try to figure it out but I think you're on the right track, at least what you're saying is true

Progressions don't exist in ways to grow a bankroll, they are money losing strategies.. Please purge that concept from your gambling vocabulary.

I'm getting some programming book tomorrow in the mail that I'm going full autism on, should be obsessive.

Bitch & Moan / Zok was one of those people that could never finish anything
« on: September 09, 2014, 05:54:23 am »
Spectral you are an old man that needs to get a fucking life. No one gives a shit about you postingg your nonsense on totse in 1992.

Any mention of the 90s is fucking depressing, vizier you disgusting piece of shit I know that comment just made you sensitive.

Mizled, you are ok.

Snoopy is on suicide watch , having his only tool of authority unexpectedly stripped from him, he has become even more subserviant to his wife. Even his kids talk shit to him.

Malice, go fuck yourself loser .

I think that covers my 4-5 day absence .

Introductions / My dumpster slut account is locked
« on: September 09, 2014, 05:51:16 am »
Help admin, i need to be on my dumpster slut account so i can demean people and make them feel inferior

Introductions / Re: I'm only here to secure my account.
« on: September 09, 2014, 05:50:19 am »
You are all gay

Spurious Generalities / Re: Zoklet is actually gone now
« on: September 09, 2014, 04:59:51 am »

I wonder which member had the very last reply on zoklet.

who gives a shit - that has zero fucking significance.

It's very important and possibly going to keep me from getting a good night's rest.

you should really find other outlets in your life other than some internet forum

Spurious Generalities / Re: Zoklet is actually gone now
« on: September 09, 2014, 04:54:17 am »

I wonder which member had the very last reply on zoklet.

who gives a shit - that has zero fucking significance.

Spurious Generalities / Re: Zoklet is actually gone now
« on: September 09, 2014, 04:51:16 am »
Good riddance, that place was a stagnant cesspool.

stay tuned for my comprehensive psycho-analysis of zok - it's shockingly insightful.

Spurious Generalities / Re: Your favorite eyesore is making a return
« on: September 09, 2014, 04:46:37 am »
my body is so hard and sexy - im tanned to perfection and i can take solace in the fact that all of my ex-gfs have aged horribly.

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