NIMF / More like Arcox.
« on: December 01, 2014, 09:40:39 pm »
Get it.
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My parents divorced due to infidelity on my father's part. He stayed with the mistress for many years and, from an early age, I learned how to manipulate both parents to suit my needs. I've had two moms and two homes, but felt welcome in neither for much of the time. I'm unable to comprehend the nuclear family structure, for which I have great suspicion and even hostility.
Neither parent is able to save, and they raised their kids the same way. They make between $65k and $85k each, and my mom even helps pay for her mother's house, nurse, etc. but both squander their money unwisely. In the past year I've made an earnest effort to reduce my own spending habits. I'm not doing so well, but I have more in th bank than both of them combined.
How did your parents fail you?
Wait, so if Reddit has atheists and tumblr has feminists, what do we have?
Well, we did have meth heads.
Sooooo...if this site is going to continue who will be running the show around here? If Arnox and Idio are going to the new site then what support staff will remain?
I will be admining here still as always. Idio can't be staff here, stating that admining his own site will already be too much of a drain on his time and would be a conflict of interest. I don't personally agree with the latter actually but oh well.
Eh, I feel like it's up to the members to provide good content and stop whining about how it's a failed attempt at zoklet. Doing so will make it a failed attempt at zoklet.
and how totse/zoklet fits into it
(Venting incoming.)
Not just from this site but everything in general. Just found out how my parents are about to get completely screwed over in a very special way by Obamacare, my bro's struggling with his addiction, and I'm working a job I hate (nothing new there though). Then again, who am I kidding? Almost my entire family are working jobs they hate. Oh yeah, and don't forget the bedbugs. But we've beaten 'em off for a while I think.
Man, I wish I could just... let go. I seem to be reading constantly these days about people becoming free from their troubles and their stress. Usually through changing themselves on the inside. How I envy them. To be better than I currently am and enjoy that constant happiness that's evaded me for so long. But perhaps the answer's staring me right in the face. Maybe I'm just too unwilling to change myself. I've never dealt well with change in general. Doubly so when it comes to personal changes. Maybe even triply so.
Really hope I'm gonna feel better in the morning here. In the meantime though, just typing this out was pleasant.