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Messages - ed rush

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A true spanger (spare change) goes up and harrasses his vic...I mean customers...sitting with a sign gives the sport a bad image.. Panhandling is for shark ass salesman not lazy bums. On a side note now im so good at conning people I basically just get money from hot chicks all day.

No you don't.

i see no objective differences

This is seriously the kid who claims to be some sort of superhuman genius?  Why don't you explain to me how exactly you'd go about causing a ballpeen hammer to exert anticonvulsant, antispasmodic, anxiolytic, muscle relaxant, sedative, OR hypnotic effects?  One, any combination, all of them, doesn't matter.  Or explain how a ballpeen hammer could cause increased efficiency of the neurotransmitter GABA?  Do you even know what GABA stands for off the top of your head?  You really don't, do you?  And you have the nerve to make one of the most facepalmworthy insults/comparisons, as close to literally dribbling with ignorance as one could get, in reference to a drug that directly and primarily affects that particular neurotransmitter?  Do you even understand how gamma amino butyric acid works?  Do you understand the feelings it primarily affects in humans?

Furthermore and on the other end of the spectrum of this question which is the textual manifestation of ignorance, have you ever even used a hammer in your life?  You don't even know what a ballpeen hammer specificially is, do you?  You just wanted to mention a specific type of hammer to sound more like you had the slighest inkling that you knew what you were talking about, but you wouldn't know the different between a ballpeen and a claw hammer if your eyeball being slammed with one depended on it, would you?  I see absolutely no reason the specific type of hammer would bear a significant or even noticeable difference upon the efficacy of the smashing of that hammer into your head replicating the effects of a psychoactive compounds which works on the GABA system.

You're either 1), such a pussyass bitch that you can't stay awake on Xanax and actually enjoy the anxiolysis, among other pleasurable effects it produces, or 2) you're too stupid to realize that if x dose causes you to knock out before being able to enjoy the high, maybe you should try x divided by 2 next time, or, more likely than either of those, you're worse than a combination of the two could ever even dream of aspiring to be?

Should I stop yet, or have you finally managed to grasp and accept the fact that you're stupid?

Thank you for the informative post but you seem to be upset. Is it caffeine withdrawals? 

Bitch & Moan / Re: ATTN: Zek Skeptics and Arnox Nuthuggers
« on: November 02, 2014, 08:59:15 am »
LOL. I knew I was going to log in and find this thread eventually. Nice fucking job Arnox. Really fucking nice.

Old School, New School, Fool School / Re: pros and cons of college
« on: October 22, 2014, 06:50:29 am »
Im sleepy

Oral Indulgences / Re: Roasted Chestnuts
« on: October 22, 2014, 06:49:16 am »
fuck you you fucking failure,

Spurious Generalities / Re: 4 loko ruined my life
« on: October 22, 2014, 06:47:25 am »
Me too man. god damn  4loko

Spurious Generalities / Re: Post What You Look Like
« on: October 16, 2014, 09:36:36 pm »
God I hate these threads. I really prefer not knowing what the people I'm talking to look like.

You actually look like a normal adult. I just hate it when I find out some really "know it all/seen it all" poster is actually a geeky looking kid right out of highschool.

Has Vizier ever posted here?

Bitch & Moan / Re: The Official Staff Complaint/Hate Thread
« on: October 16, 2014, 07:06:23 pm »
Lanny is probably delicious.

Would give you a bad case heartburn at least, though. And to get past the bad aftertaste you'd probably have to use a whole bottle of ketchup on 'im.

Gross.  What kind of sick person eats ketchup?  It's a (presumably American) bastardization of kecap.  Doesn't taste like tomato sauce, isn't even fermented, but has a very LOUD taste that overpowers whatever it's added to.  Disgusting.

One of these days I should type up a new ranch dressing rant for you guys.  (ranch dressing is what's wrong with america)

I'm not a huge fan of ketchup either but yes it tastes like tomatoes (main ingredient) and has a ton of vinegar (fermented). I look forward to your rant on ranch dressing, I'm sure it will be enlightening .

Better Living Through Chemistry / Re: cannabinoid protip
« on: October 16, 2014, 04:28:55 am »
When you smoke syncans you become notably retarded. The only reason you're noticing an increase in fluidity of thinking is because you're just LESS RETARDED when you smoke less. Trust me, I was an addict for 10 years. Now I'm not.

What syncans were you smoking 10 years ago? Aren't you like 19 or 20?

Spurious Generalities / Re: the halloween spirit is DEAD
« on: October 16, 2014, 04:08:59 am »

On the contrary, it's more popular than it ever has been. A Spokesman from the National Retail Council predicts total Halloween spending to total 5 billion this year, up from 3 billion last year.

I too use public transportation for most of my trip. In here, the traffic is really crowded and it's not uncommon for people to get stuck for hours. Not to mention most of the trip cost for about $0.3 for bus and $0.5 for trains for which means I can practically go around the city with very little money.

I am assuming you live in asia.  Everyone see this?  How come asia has top notch public transportation, while using public transportation in america often involves either smelling, seeing or even touching other humans bodily waste?  Has anyone ever wondered why this is?

It's because there are only Asians in Asia. Different races aren't meant to coincide.

Vancouver is filled with all kinds of different races yet we don't suffer those problems either. So much for logic.

Bullshit. I live in Seattle and I've been to Vancouver. It is not the public transportation utopia you are making it out to be. The sky trains are really convenient though.

Conspiracy! / Re: Irish Cross Found on Mars
« on: October 16, 2014, 02:02:16 am »

It looks more like the imprint of a fallen meat grinder blade. Could mars be the site of alien meat production? Is this a sign that it's time to round up the vegans of our planet and put them in camps for easy abduction by alien visitors?

Games People Play / Re: Skyrim
« on: October 15, 2014, 07:19:14 am »
Fuck skyrim, I have tens of thousands of dollars in daedric weapons but nobody has the cash to buyy them. Fuck this game.

Oral Indulgences / Make your own ricotta cheese
« on: October 14, 2014, 05:42:01 pm »
Did this yesterday for the first time, I was surprised how simple it was.

4 cups whole milk
2 cups heavy cream
1 1/2 teaspoons kosher salt
3 tablespoons white wine vinegar

combine the first three ingredients and bring to a boil, remove from the heat and stir in the vinegar. Wait 1-2 minutes for the mixture to curdle and pour it all into a strainer lined with a couple layers of cheesecloth. Let it sit for half an hour and remove the curds from the cheesecloth and discard the liquid (whey) that you drained off. Yields about a pound of ricotta.

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