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Messages - Slave of the Beast

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IIRC, policy under Stalin directly lead to the mass starvation in Ukraine/the eastern parts of the Russian front.  I mean that's how it was so easy for him to maintain his hold on those areas. Everything for the front, and all that.

This is true, but it pales in comparison to what the Nazis intended to do in the East had they won the war. Look up "GeneralPlan Ost".

That's irrelevant due to the circular logic of discussing something that may have happened; 'more people didn't die because he didn't kill them'. Well, no shit, but that's an alternative reality that never occurred so is therefore invalid as a counter-argument.

Besides, fascist-state mass murders in the 20th century (on a scale of 10,000s upwards) were a singular feature of the Nazi regime, in contrast mass murder appears to have been a modus operandi for numerous communist states. I know which system, i.e. fascist or communist, I'd rather take my chances under under.

News of the Sanctuary / Re: A Slight Rule Change
« on: December 10, 2014, 05:23:38 pm »
Why was it changed

Arnox is just practising his deckchair Feng Shui whilst the ship sinks; ignore him and grab a lifejacket.

Bitch & Moan / Re: Arnox values this website at $25,000
« on: December 10, 2014, 04:37:14 pm »
arnox: if you were going to set the price at somethign no one is going ro reasonable pay (and I'm sure you know no one is giong to pay 25k) ghen for PR's sake at least you should have said the site was not for sale even if you would sell it att that price. It would haven driven down supply and thus up demand. But letting it be known that it is for sale at a fraction of most people's slary is kinda embarassing. like learn2politics yung bloodm never tell the truth always tell the concenient lie nahmean

Yeah, but telling Dumpster Slut it would take more than what he probably makes in a year to buy this site from me was worth it.

TL;DR - I lied again.

Altered for for the sake of accuracy.

Bitch & Moan / Re: Can I buy this website?
« on: December 10, 2014, 04:33:46 pm »
Not really. I could just easily start another much better site with the money.

Money can't cure autism.

Spurious Generalities / Re: what the fuck was that about
« on: December 09, 2014, 05:19:51 pm »
... then another 5 of the hosting company being asleep on the job.

It would have helped if he didn't talk to them like the kid out of Mercury Rising over the phone. They probably had a good laugh at that one and went back to playing poker. They only sorted shit out when the joke wore off and listening to someone who sounds like Stephen Hawking's retarded twin became a fucking nuisance.

Sex & Affection / Re: Dragons aren't made of Mithril
« on: December 09, 2014, 04:48:56 pm »
he's not made of mithril or addamant.

You kind of have to be to administer a site like this.

Addamant? Adamant?

adamant /ˈadəm(ə)nt/

refusing to be persuaded or to change one's mind.

a legendary rock or mineral to which many properties were attributed, formerly associated with diamond or lodestone.

If being a stubborn stone-headed lump of rock is your objective, Arnox, then you are currently overachieving by some margin.

But... Why was this posted in S&A? Are you trying to tell me something, bby?

He wants to be a mod. Can't you tell when your e-cock is being sucked? Oh, I nearly forgot, you're autistic. NVM. That aside, fuck it, mod him. With a Mormon autist and a transexual faggot already on the staff I think a Satanist adds some kind of perverse balance. Don't tell your parents though, they might try (holy)waterboarding the demons out of you.

News of the Sanctuary / Re: Sanctuary Is Back Online!
« on: December 09, 2014, 04:33:17 pm »
The place was dying. The in-fighting was tearing it apart. Shortly after Totse's closure even Zok conceded he was think of quitting. Zoklet was the new start but it quickly soured. The downward spiral continued and eventually lead to the now historical conclusion. You weren't even on &T or Zoklet, you've just read a few saved pages. So do yourself a favour and shut the fuck up.

Well, you know what? Some totse members say you're wrong as well, not just me.

I notice the complete absence of names accompanying that statement. Are these the same fictional users that asked for a change in the thanks system? You know, the ones who coincidentally agreed with what you wanted but whom you couldn't name when asked to do so? You're a pathological liar Arnox. Seriously, you need help.

In any case, that idiots agree with each other is a non sequitor with regards to what I've said.

Besides, on a site as big and as varied as totse, there's ALWAYS fighting. In fact, it would be strange if there wasn't. And even if you WERE right and there were INSANELY massive fights that tore it apart, that was the work of the members, not sites like Facebook or Twitter or whatever.

Actually it was the work of Zok. An admin so immune to reason that he'd even give you a run for your money.

That fact remains that Totse was failing. Zoklet was a continuation of that decline. People who claim otherwise, i.e. that Totse, and by extension Zoklet, were doing "fine", are either complete retards or undercover geniuses who've seen some brilliant truth that has passed those with regular intelligence by. So until some explanation is provided for the demise of this community, I'll keep making the same statement: this site will fail in the long run for the same reason  &T and Zoklet failed, i.e. administrative incompetence.

Autistic comparisons with Facebook, or any other site, will not change this reality.

Moving Pictures / Re: House of Cards
« on: December 09, 2014, 09:46:36 am »
I know the original was a much shorter thing. 4 episodes according to the wikipedia. Our politics over here is crazy complicated when you get into the guts of it. I'll bet most Americans couldn't tell you what a caucus was or what a whip does.

British networks typically produce series that are of a shorter length than their US counterparts.

There are benefits and drawbacks to these differing approaches. American drama tends to be crazy drawn-out and tedious. In this regard Lost is a crowning achievement, with many competitors springing up all the time; The Walking Dead, Helix, Falling Skies and so on. In contrast British TV series run the risk of being under-developed or cut short despite being essentially high quality shows, e.g. Survivors and Ultraviolet. And if I wanted to bore you to death with political minutiae then the arcane shenanigans of Westminister Palace would provide me with a very rich source of material. But that's not what the original House of Cards was about.

Oh the Humanities! / Re: Slavoj Žižek
« on: December 09, 2014, 08:19:03 am »
He's the darling of champagne socialists all over the world; the Guardian adores him. They quote him rather than Russell Brand when they're trying to sound intellectual. The best thing is to put him in a box and let him quietly masturbate to his own convoluted thoughts.

Moving Pictures / Re: House of Cards
« on: December 09, 2014, 07:53:56 am »
Might watch. With Spacey in it I hope it's as good as the original.

News of the Sanctuary / Re: Sanctuary Is Back Online!
« on: December 09, 2014, 07:47:13 am »
Facebook twitter and whatever else killed all the old sites like that


Jeff killed totse. It was doing just fine before he did that crap. In fact, it was more than fine. Furthermore, sites like Reddit and 4chan are proof that a site like this can thrive as well.

As a former member of &T staff at the point of closure and twice as a staffer on Zoklet, I can sincerely tell you that you're a full-of-shit-know-nothing.

The place was dying. The in-fighting was tearing it apart. Shortly after Totse's closure even Zok conceded he was think of quitting. Zoklet was the new start but it quickly soured. The downward spiral continued and eventually lead to the now historical conclusion. You weren't even on &T or Zoklet, you've just read a few saved pages. So do yourself a favour and shut the fuck up.

Reinvent Yourself / Re: How did you make yourself better today?
« on: December 02, 2014, 07:10:58 pm »
How can you believe that stupidity is a sin yet acknowledge the power of magic, whilst also claiming "Satan represents undefiled wisdom instead of hypocritical self-deceit"?

So, as appears to be the case with Idio', you're happy for people to advertise other forums (such as RDFRN) in their signatures as long as they let you know first?
People may advertise their forum on here as long as:

1. They PM me first about it.
2. It meets my standards.

However... Since Idio's finally started up a suitable replacement forum, I don't really see the purpose of advertising another forum on here.

Therefore points 1 and 2 are wholly redundant. And there's no purpose in you advertising Sanctuary on a site that was created specifically to get away from you and your double standards.

Such as this one.


So, as appears to be the case with Idio', you're happy for people to advertise other forums (such as RDFRN) in their signatures as long as they let you know first?

I calculate a 98.7% chance you will avoid answering this question.

Bitch & Moan / Re: arnox thinks this website is a spaceship
« on: December 01, 2014, 08:59:30 am »
If a space ship is large enough, could it be called a planet?

Nope. Planets also orbit a star.

Dude stop disagreeing with users just to be "technically correct". Consider idea of a structure large enough to be a planetary class vessel which orbits a star. Would it be a planet then?

Anyway you all are dense as fuck. Planets and other celestial objects can be space ships for man to explore the universe. The way man is going to begin long term space exploration is not by achieving "lightspeed" or some bullshit. Its by taking comets and shit and putting bases on them and using them to travel to other star systems.

What is the propulsion method for a planet going to be?

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