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Messages - arleybob

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Better Living Through Chemistry / Re: Flubromazolam [new RC benzo]
« on: October 17, 2014, 02:26:51 pm »
Well I got mine on Wednesday. It's legit. OP in this thread has a 23+ page thread on UKChemicalResearch if you'd like to read more about it.

Weird though, I expected to wake up much later this morning. Last night I had taken 0.5mg and was trying to stay awake watching TV but my eyes were practically glued shut. Also weird was the darkness under my eyelids seemed to take on kind of a life of its own. Not talking about the geometric glowers. There was a lot more physicality to it - hard to explain just after waking. And my peripheral vision was filled with movement just before sleeping. Anyway, went to bed around 4AM and got up at about 10AM today feeling just a little tired as usual. So far I like this stuff better than etizolam.

Now hopefully someone more articulate can come in here and shed some more light on this stuff for us.

Better Living Through Chemistry / Re: Flubromazolam [new RC benzo]
« on: October 17, 2014, 04:41:54 am »
lol no problem, it's an easy mistake to make. Google even auto-corrects flubromazolam to flubromazepam. Have you tried the former yet? I'd like to hear what you guys have to say about it.

Better Living Through Chemistry / Re: Flubromazolam [new RC benzo]
« on: October 17, 2014, 02:46:58 am »
I appreciated the response but I've noted I'm talking about the newer flubromazOLAM and not flubromazEPAM.

Is there a way to estimate an equivalency between the anxiolytic potency of alcohol and benzos? i know they give valium to alcoholics so that they don't get delirium tremens, but if one could made an estimation that say, 1 standard drink ~= 10mg of valium, it might be effective to apply a slow valium taper to chronic alcoholics. i think the fact that valium can be reduced a single milligram at a time would definitely lower the relapse rates in alcoholics, and have them slowly emerge into normalcy, rather than getting bored after DTs and chugging listerine/eating a million billion prozac/huffing raid in a fedora for "kicks"

I don't think they do that anymore, my dad was on them and my mom read about some home remedy and literally boiled dandelions to kill the DTs

Seriously, getting off benzos isn't that hard, like, it sucks and stuff but if you supplement with other drugs you'l be fine, just don't do coke.

I dunno, I used to take benzos and opiates everyday and don't really have anything to add other than benzos are evil and opiate are the opiates of the masses

This from my own personal experience rings true. Withdrawals for etizolam (not even a real benzo I know) were shit. But with enough proper supplements and distractions and acceptance of the fact that life is gonna be shit for the next little while will help you persevere.  Thank God I didn't have a full-time job last time this happened to me, I would have been a mess. Was able to sit around and watch movies and drink copious amounts of green tea, gobbling valerian and 5-HTP and aniracetam and whatever else I thought might help. The best cure at the moment was setting aside the entire day to gather groceries and come home to spend hours making a delicious stew.

Anyway different strokes I guess

Better Living Through Chemistry / Re: Flubromazolam [new RC benzo]
« on: October 16, 2014, 10:33:44 pm »
Welp, I feel good! Hopefully I can manage with this one better than I did with etizolam...

Only thing is it's primarily a hypnotic (though the anxiolytic and whatever other effects are still present) so above all, you will feel heavy and cozy.

I'm wondering about brewing a batch of poppy seed tea for when I get home from class tonight. I've heard it's pretty dangerous to mix benzos and opiates. Thoughts? btw if you're looking for flubromazolam, get it. If source discussion isn't allowed here, Google it or PM me.

Better Living Through Chemistry / Re: Flubromazolam [new RC benzo]
« on: October 16, 2014, 12:55:37 pm »
So I started safe with one 0.25mg blotter, it was nice, mellow, I probably could have fallen asleep if I laid down and tried. Not a brick in the face as I expected so after a couple hours I took another one. Still not quite as fuzzy/buzzy as I had expected but it definitely had an effect. Works like a charm for putting you to sleep, obviously. Hard to tell if there's much recreational about it but will have to see.

Better Living Through Chemistry / Re: Flubromazolam [new RC benzo]
« on: October 15, 2014, 09:22:02 pm »
Received my shipment today, about 12 days after ordering - not bad! Will have to do some research and report back with my findings.

Better Living Through Chemistry / Re: Favorite RCs?
« on: October 10, 2014, 01:43:21 am »
Phenibut is weird. I used to love it but these days it's just okay. Though I do find that I'm able to laugh at things a lot easier on phenibut. It feels like I'm always on the verge of bursting out laughing. As a recreational thing though it's not much on its own.

Better Living Through Chemistry / Re: Pyrazolam exerpeince report
« on: October 09, 2014, 12:24:40 pm »
It's the worst, especially knowing that customs clearance takes an indefinite amount of time. It could pass through without a hitch or could be stuck for weeks. But that day it finally arrives is like Christmas morning every time.

Better Living Through Chemistry / Re: Pyrazolam exerpeince report
« on: October 09, 2014, 11:33:53 am »
Where's your order, arleybob? Did it make it through customs yet?

I went the cheap route and opted not to get tracking so all I know is my order is somewhere between the UK and Canada. I'd expect it no earlier than tomorrow, somewhere around Tuesday, and if I still don't have it by next Friday I'll start getting worried. Related: does anyone else have experience shipping from UK to Canada/US? Roughly how long has it taken? I've done it a few times before and can't remember how long it's taken... probably around 7-10 business days at a rough guess though the Royal Mail website has their delivery standard at 5-7 days. Though that's just for how long the item would take to get to Canada, not accounting for customs, so does not say anything about how long the item would actually take to get to its final destination.

Better Living Through Chemistry / Re: Pyrazolam exerpeince report
« on: October 09, 2014, 11:07:28 am »
Hey guys, you ever try flubromazolam? Pretty new RC benzo, my shipment is due to arrive within the next few days. I made a thread about it earlier on this board and that thread links to another bigger thread that has some anecdotal reports. It sounds pretty good.

Do you mean flubromazepam? If so...

Yeah I took 32mg one midday, fell asleep that night, and spent a week stumbling and feeling like I was on about 30mg of diazepam.

It does it's job, really well I found, I think I did a report on it or at least was writing it up over the week but was yet to post it, but I felt it was well worth it, and the loss of balance wears off faster than the chilled out anti-anxiety effect. (6.7 day half life on flubromazepam.)

Nope sorry, should've specified: I definitely mean flubromazolam. Lasts much shorter than flubromazepam and is much more potent. By that I mean 0.25mg is enough for pretty much anyone and 0.5mg is likely to break through any kind of tolerance and put you straight to sleep. Or so I've read anyway - there's not much to read online about it considering it's just kind of making its way on to the market now. Here's a thread you can do some further reading at:

Better Living Through Chemistry / Re: Pyrazolam exerpeince report
« on: October 08, 2014, 11:19:39 am »
Hey guys, you ever try flubromazolam? Pretty new RC benzo, my shipment is due to arrive within the next few days. I made a thread about it earlier on this board and that thread links to another bigger thread that has some anecdotal reports. It sounds pretty good.

Better Living Through Chemistry / Re: Poppy seeds
« on: October 07, 2014, 11:07:30 am »
Yeah it doesn't seem like they'd be in a position to question you and even if they do it wouldn't be hard to come up with some bullshit. You could literally say anything except that you're making tea with it and that should be enough.

Better Living Through Chemistry / Re: Poppy seeds
« on: October 07, 2014, 02:48:35 am »
I think you're okay to talk about it as long as you're not advertising all over the Internet a particular brand. Bob's Red Mill has apparently fallen victim to this kind of treatment - was once (and could still be) the go-to brand for unwashed seeds until tea drinkers all over the Internet made it obvious that that's what they were using the seeds for. Now the company apparently takes more care in washing the seeds.

As for your recipe, that's exactly what I do. So easy anybody could do it. The only drawback is frequently going to the grocery store and buying nothing but 6+ bags of poppy seeds and a 2L bottle of soda. Nobody's said anything so far though I'm sure people have wondered.

Better Living Through Chemistry / Re: Poppy seeds
« on: October 07, 2014, 12:29:12 am »
I had some tonight, either not doing enough or getting the wrong kind... usually buy seven 75g bags but tonight only got six. Still something buzzy but nothing too intense. I've been getting it from a big name chain grocery store and they work 7/10 times, nothing crazy though. Funny enough, I bought the same amount from a higher-end cooking store and those didn't work a single bit. Next stop is the organic bulk store which has *ORGANIC* plastered all over their seed bags. That sounds like my best bet.

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