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Messages - theKit

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 12
Impressive. Javascript is truly versatile as fuck...

As to why I don't just access them directly obj->name or, I was told that is bad practice as it ends up fucking you on larger projects, not sure how but getters/setters must be a thing for a reason.

Bad Ideas / Re: buying a gat
« on: December 09, 2014, 09:23:55 pm »
bb guns are considered weapons and may get your 12 year old ass wasted by 5'0 in the park

News of the Sanctuary / Re: Sanctuary Is Back Online!
« on: December 09, 2014, 03:40:25 pm »
$2.00 says we were DDoS'd due to you retards raiding those teenagers.

News of the Sanctuary / Re: Sanctuary Is Back Online!
« on: December 09, 2014, 02:56:58 pm »
So where is the explanation as to why the site was down? Seeing as the community already questions your competence as an Administrator, having the site down for a whole week isn't helping much.

Anime / Re: Sword Art Online, first impressions.
« on: December 02, 2014, 12:21:30 am »
SOA2 is gay as fuck. The whole 'death gun' thing was retarded and makes 0 sense. The whole exaclibar arc was fucking pointless filler. Wasted a whole episode on recap too.

Just marathon'd S;G and that shit was spectacular star to finish.

I'm working on a little game and I have character objects that have a shit ton of variables in them and I need to access these but it seems like a waste to write a bunch of accessor functions like this:

Code: [Select]
character.prototype.getName = function(){

character.prototype.getAge = function(){
     return this.Age


Is there a better way of going about this?

So sick of seeing these fucking click bait articles on facebook using this same style heading. I REALLY hope facebook cracks down on that shit it just unreliably annoying and anyone who posts such things on my friends list, I've vowed to delete them.

Help & Suggestions / Do Not Make A Chat Box
« on: November 21, 2014, 06:17:47 pm »
Chatbox is a cool little trinket but do we really need one on a message board? Seeing as the whole purpose is to create organized categories of discussions, I think the chatbox will fuck over thread count/discussion, further reducing thread quality as people bitch and moan and bicker in the chat (and then make threads about it) and no one who wasn't in the chat will have any clue what the fuck is going on. If you want to chat, use IRC

Bitch & Moan / Re: Missed 2 exams help me feel better
« on: November 21, 2014, 06:10:50 pm »
I have a feeling this is more of a 'I skipped two exams, and now validate my poor decisions' than a genuine scheduling mishap. If you are an A student you should already have excellent planning and time management skills - Not only that but you should be be religiously looking forward to exams and constantly checking your grade, which makes the liklihood of you missing TWO exams extremely puzzling. Are you telling us there are two whole sections of material your professor just kinda forced you to study and do projects over and  decided to skip the exams and that didn't register as a problem in your A-Student brain?

Legit or not, you should just go talk to your profie and see if you can make them up for at least half credit - if not 25% credit.

Network (in)Security / Re: Strange year for the internets
« on: November 20, 2014, 04:00:31 am »
Internet service prices.

Remember when internet was as free as as many free AOL hours discs you could amass and hoard?

Spurious Generalities / Re: why are gay people
« on: November 20, 2014, 02:08:20 am »
I've found that a lot of them base their entire identity around gayness. instead of having a rounded set of interests, they spend all their time at gay meeting places like bars, gay activist groups, gay university clubs, gay bathhouses, synagogues etc.. there are gay variants for literally any group imaginable, and like anything else, if you spend all your time with people who think exactly like you, it turns into an echo chamber and you lose touch with reality and become unable to accept opposing viewpoints.

I never understood how this came to be acceptable. Think about it, gay book club, gay aerobics, gay knitting - why the fuck do these things need a sexual preference prefix? I-Like-To-Fuck-Dudes-In-The-Ass-Knitting. Just... Why? I sat at a friends birthday thing for his son and his brother sat at the kids table and EVERYTHING he said had to do with gayness. No one even asked or questioned his sexuality and it was a kids birthday party so it shouldn't have been a subject of conversation to begin with, which I found EXTREMELY odd, no one called him out on talking about SEX at a 8 year old's birthday. Just because hes gay everyone is afraid to tell him to speak on appropriate topics or shut the fuck up? Like... Just because its GAY sex, it's ok to discuss with kids? What?

Yeah motherfucker, respect your elders

Spurious Generalities / Re: How much do you pay for internet?
« on: November 18, 2014, 09:43:53 pm »
Why do we put up with this shit. Contracts that are clearly bait and switch, this 'up to' bullshit to cover their ass since they can't guarantee the quality of their own fucking services.

  It is also very wise of you to armchair quarterback for the officer, who was actually there, while you sit on your fat ass and wiggle your fingers about it on the internet.

Yes, the one whose on trial for murder.

I Found It On The Web / Re: Amazing Portable Wii Laptop Instructable!
« on: November 18, 2014, 01:53:21 am »
That thing is clunky as fuck. Not impressed.

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