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Messages - Herr Ruin

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Network (in)Security / Re: How unique is your browser?
« on: October 30, 2014, 11:55:34 pm »
I'm not sure using useragents is meaningful. If you're using a evergreen browser, which everyone is at this point, it changes multiple times a week.
User Agents are not fooling anyone at this point, this Video should give you an idea what I'm talking about:

Network (in)Security / Re: How unique is your browser?
« on: October 30, 2014, 11:47:57 pm »
Browserfingerprinting is the #1 Reason why most skiddies are not able to defraud large retailers like amazon after fucking up for the first time. Yeah you should be concerned if your browser is too unique in regards to browser fingerprinting but this one mainly concerns individuals who are up to shady shit anyways

Network (in)Security / Re: Avoyel faggots got pwned!
« on: October 09, 2014, 07:51:54 pm »
Good guess! Yes, I am, actually. I took Valtran when I had a really, reaaalllly bad tooth ache once. I felt shitty for days until I got that stuff. Maybe being relieved of the pain had something to do with it, but I was overwhelmed with joy.

Deutsch ist sicher nicht meiner erste sprache. Grammatik und so, das kann ich nicht. Nur wörter.

...and you've experienced what got me hooked on tilidin/valoron/valtran initially. Even in therapeutic doses this stuff induces euphoria.
But I gotta admit, nothing else taught me the benefits of self discipline like quitting this shit cold turkey.

Back to Topic; I'm willing to bet that this hack played a major part in the decision to shut down avoyel if the site admin knows his shit even remotely. Not even one of these loudmouthed faggots is stepping up to take the blame for running a website that is open to exploitation like a fucking barn door.

Bad Ideas / Re: MSR605
« on: October 09, 2014, 03:40:05 pm »
Use a proper magstripe reading program not the bullshit that originally comes with the msr, if you still can't dump the tracks shoot me a pm

Network (in)Security / Re: Avoyel faggots got pwned!
« on: October 09, 2014, 03:07:49 pm »
Tilidin ist genau das selbe wie valtran, anfangs ganz witzig aber wenn man irgendwann bei 20ml am Tag ist hört der Spass auf.
Dein Deutsch ist gut, ich weiß gar nicht was du hast

Network (in)Security / Re: Avoyel faggots got pwned!
« on: October 09, 2014, 03:00:39 pm »
Nope kein Heroin für mich :D ich glaube ich hatte das hier schon irgendwann erwähnt, grundsätzlich bin ich Opiaten/opioiden gegenüber nicht abgeneigt aber nachdem ich mit Jahrelangen Tilidin dauerkonsum, wie nicht anders zu erwarten war, ordentlich auf die Schnauze geflogen bin habe ich kalt entzogen und nasche heut zu Tage nur noch 2-3 mal im Jahr. Witzig ausgerechnet hier jemanden aus .de zu treffen. Warst du auch schon auf zoklet/totse aktiv?

Außerdem um den Klischees gerecht zu werden:
Sauerkraut Kartoffeln Fräulein Stechschritt!

Network (in)Security / Re: Avoyel faggots got pwned!
« on: October 09, 2014, 02:33:24 pm »
Yup I'm from germany, not that my username gives it away or anything :D

Network (in)Security / Re: Avoyel faggots got pwned!
« on: October 09, 2014, 01:14:39 am »
Great work. Can you probe IntoSanctuary for security flaws and assist in strengthening the defense?

Do it anyway.

Why throw it away?

Make an example of individual offenders as needed and leave the full leak and handover to relevant authorities. Work with Arnox for confirmation of matching IPs for active Avoyel participants and flag them here for M&A to see. Naming and shaming could be counterproductive and a breach of PI rules.

If it's not working, then unleash hell.

Of course I can but generally not without Arnox consenting.
I won't send shit to authorities but if I decide to publish the dump do as you please.
Matching IPs won't work in every case as there are multiple users using the same VPN Provider/IP at the same time, however it is entirely possible to identify users if you combine IP address and browser fingerprints for example but that's none of my business as far as this forum goes

Network (in)Security / Re: Avoyel faggots got pwned!
« on: October 09, 2014, 01:07:25 am »
Do it anyway.
I might :D but let me finish cracking all the md5s first, I bet some Users were stupid enough to recycle their passwords. Motherfuckers dumb enough to go around claiming they are 1337 haXx0rs just because their lunch money was enough to rent a DDoS service tend to be this stupid...
Shit was too easy, this was done weeks ago and some users can verify my claims as they've gotten screenshots in advance

Network (in)Security / Avoyel faggots got pwned!
« on: October 09, 2014, 12:32:21 am »
Remember how these faggots talked about how 1337 they are and shit? Well, big surprise, turns out they are not. In fact they don't know shit about security. I managed to get into their site, sadly I didn't get their whole DB due to me being a lazy drunk fuck, but I managed to get the important Parts. I won't go into details how I managed to get in so they don't fix this when/if they are back but let me tell you this; I found at least 4 exploitable SQL Injections and the Database Dump contains Username/Password MD5s as well as logged User IPs.
If I see one more fucking DDOS, CP Spam I will release every cracked Password, every logged IP and what ever else I see fit and trust me there are real IPs of mods and users in the dump maybe due to being too lazy to use a VPN properly or just simple incompetence.
Proof with redacted SQLi:

BTW most of this was done via Smartphone, I didn't even need to boot up my workstation to own your shitty little forum

Network (in)Security / Re: Most secure way to encrypt a memory stick?
« on: September 20, 2014, 11:38:36 am »
While I can't really talk about OSX due to never using it except when it runs on a customer's machine, I can give you a guide on how to do this using Linux:
For full disk encryption use this guide, you can choose from various algorithms but AES with two factor authentification seems to do the best job so far:

Better Living Through Chemistry / Re: 4mg valium
« on: September 05, 2014, 08:21:02 pm »
Lightweight as fuck. I don't use Valium/Diazepam at all and I can easily take 30-40mg along with some beers and weed and you couldn't even tell I took anything besides beer/pot

Alright, go ahead and get the HP Support Assistant from HPs website:
And make another screenshot with the program running

Oral Indulgences / Re: random facts you ken share about food
« on: September 05, 2014, 02:37:53 am »
Chilis, specially red ones, have more vitamin c than any citrus fruit

After reading up a bit on the HP 2000 series this seems to be, oddly enough,not that uncommon. Driver issues are probably the reason for your issues as you've been able to connect previously. It would be interesting to see if the problem persists while using linux but I guess that's out of question in this case.
Besides buying a different WLAN USB Adapter you could try to update or exchange the drivers, this is fairly easy to do even with little or no knowledge.
Which exact model out of the HP 2000 series are you using?

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