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Messages - Iehovah

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shitposters were never a problem.

Nice fantasy. Applying for a job at Disney?


Face it, you're useless, the best thing you could do would be decentralize the power and find a way to get people without hemorrhaging users like a failure, you're just going to make things worse if you don't let someone else call the shots

The users don't have a high enough value to be worth preserving. The same users that you're whining about hemorrhaging are part of an infected boil that really needs to be lanced anyway.

Bitch & Moan / Re: Global Site Drama Thread
« on: September 30, 2014, 04:11:37 pm »

This is Arnox:  "Well, I am all for free speech and all, but....what you are saying is annoying me, so I will just move it here where all the posts will get mashed together and have no context or relation to each other".

Actually, the bitching and whining is a relation to each other.

Pretty sure your threats of leaving aren't that meaningless. If the site lost every single member of the Zoklet brigade, it wouldn't be losing anything useful.

An owner that openly and regularly tells the retards to fuck off.

News of the World / Re: Man afflicted with 100 orgasms a day.
« on: September 30, 2014, 04:09:00 pm »
Soundtrack to his life: "Jizz in my Pants"

Bitch & Moan / Re: Riddle us this SpecGuru
« on: September 22, 2014, 10:14:13 pm »

In &Totse's heyday, we used to run these proven faggits off with their tail between their legs. Now they have "rights".

No, Speckles. No, you didn't. All you did was post gimmick post about your magical ability to destroy people by summoning red-eyed demons.

Maybe kathaksung bought it, but that dude was already apeshit crazy anyway.

If Spectral doesn't whine like a stupid, lonely old man, people might notice he has nothing to actually post or bring to the table, coupled with a shitty personality and a victim complex, he's exactly the type of poster that isn't needed on a website

You don't even know me, poast.

Didn't you already try that one on me as well, and completely fail at it? Come ON Speckles, you USED TO BE good at pretending you knew things. Now it just sounds you're pulling shit randomly out of the air, from the identities of posters, to the various members of some vast conspiracy of pedo that you just coincidentally happen to be a part of but not really.

Well, let me tell you that some like it hot, and you ain't everybody, pal.

Your flaming is lukewarm at best, nothing anyone would consider "hot."

You're better than adequate when it comes to hashing on and on in strident tones about the wrongness of everyone around you, whether it is people who don't believe in your demon-summoning powers, or the staff members that put you in your place, but you have all the passion of a turnip.

Yes - we know. A monster chunk of IS is now Zoklet and IS has no idea who any of us are, or what our former drama is and rightly shouldn't give a fuck about the vast majority of it. On the other hand, some of that drama, has unfortunately come with us and should probably be acknowledged for the greater benefit of IS.

False. This site is intosanctuary and no relation to cocklet whatsoever.  You bitches are fresh meat and will be treated as bitches until you are deemed fit to be promoted to whores. You faggot bitches can speed along the process by doing a better job of sucking dick which you have all demonstrated an expert ability at it. If you cant handle that fact...gtfo

If any of youz dont like how the features here dont match the features there, gtfo.

Youre correct that no one has any idea who you are nor does anyone give a fuck

You are clearly in need of a factual accuracy adjustment.

I have yet to see any of IS's regulars show any sort of alpha characteristics other than Arnox himself, and quite frankly, the lot of you seem exactly like Zoklet's bitchass regulars and mods. I'm fine with that, or I wouldn't have come to either of these sites. That said, until you BITCHES actually get rid of the Zoklet drama that has consumed the near entirety of your board system, your personal pretense comes off very much like the scrawny weedy little kid on the playground throwing long-armed flailing slaps at a fellow nerdling. It's Jimmy and Timmeh all over again. Cannot take this seriously.

Personally, I like Arnox's solution, which he has provided and you seem incapable of.

Consider yourself corrected, meat.

News of the Sanctuary / Re: Seriously, guys?
« on: September 21, 2014, 06:48:10 pm »
How about everyone stops being a fucking faggot, and grows the fuck up?

This. Its not hard.


Your entire career on both Zoklet and IS proves the PI abuse, as its well known and oft repeated.

As far as the pedo posting goes, you've made it very clear that you are personally and intimately familiar with everyone involved in posting the CP, able to name names at the drop of a hat. This means that you are guilty of multiple federal crimes at the very least, and in all ways that matter, you are every bit as guilty of posting that CP. Get real, buddy - your lust for Lanny kind of shows your blatant infatuation with small children.


Personal information abusers and child pornography posters do need to be banned... permanently.

And yet you've failed to volunteer yourself for bans on both counts.

Bitch & Moan / Re: Riddle us this SpecGuru
« on: September 20, 2014, 05:42:56 pm »
Rowan is one of Speckles' fangirls. He's pretending he's detached and above all this while looking for Speckle threads to defend the retard in.

Spurious Generalities / Re: if we ever had an official zoklet meetup
« on: September 20, 2014, 01:27:47 pm »

Get on my level I am in a different state every two days.

Eventually the feds will catch you.

OP provides a valuable service announcement that might be best accompanied with a PM to Arnox.

Yes - we know. A monster chunk of IS is now Zoklet and IS has no idea who any of us are, or what our former drama is and rightly shouldn't give a fuck about the vast majority of it. On the other hand, some of that drama, has unfortunately come with us and should probably be acknowledged for the greater benefit of IS.

Note that Spectral is at heart just a troll, but he's fundamentally different from most trolls in that he is very skilled at his shit-stirring. His greatest talent is going on at length in a strident tone with "facts" that appear questionable at best, and is coupled with a great skill at convincing others that he is right.  His goal in this is manipulation and shit-stirring for best effect. He maintains this facade like an unbreakable rock - he may admit to being wrong, but you are intentionally left with the impression he knew it all along.

You really only have to look at his history to see it. He started off with a bang - on Totse, I think? - insisting he had the power to summon a red-eyed demon named Gog and punish unbelievers with it. The argument was surreal and kind of bizarre, but utterly Spectral. It's also where he got the nicknames Spectroll and Speckles.

Apparently after realizing that was a complete and utter bust, he moved on to being Spectral, Rebel Hero to the masses, and actually gathered a small following of idiots. Somewhere in this time period he dropped a lot of so-called PI very openly and very publicly, and then began selectively attempting to get people banned from the forum for using that. It wasn't very noticeable until it spiraled out of control later in a public debate about PI due to the fact at the same time Spectral was regularly attacking the management for its policies on PI management. This may seem strange and contradictory, and of course it is. Trolling at its finest and most skilled. I will credit Spectral this, he is good at what he does.

That eventually fell apart and he lost most of his following as well as any credibility he had left with the users or management. As I understand it, he was also eventually banned from Zoklet, but I am not privy to the details.

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