Spurious Generalities / Re: It's true; I am a police officer.
« on: September 16, 2014, 10:57:44 pm »
After reading this thread I'm going to have to side with the fact that iam simply is. He can say he's not part of "any" dept. but I wouldn't stake my freedom on that. This militaristic country has yet to see the end of their rise of power unfortunately. It will get worse before getting better. Its my sincere hope that all whom have any sympathy for,or, empathy with any of the policing agencies goes down with their beloved force just as hard, nasty, (and hopefully) bloody of a way. Simply for being blind eyed to what is really going on. No. We don't want the criminals running things.....oh - that's right..... they already do. My bad. The way I was raised was simple. There's good guys. There's bad guys. If your raised with morality then you know right from wrong. You make a choice when your young. I choose the bad guys. There is more morality in the few I hang with than there is in the whole fuckin force in this town. Yes we do wrong. And when we do -we do it well. We break it (the law), they take it. Rules are simple. So, to cap; fuck em. All of em. Good guys are over rated. Just let em in close and see who gets the fuckin.