The Sanctuary

Site Discussion => Help & Suggestions => Topic started by: Umbrella Corp on November 08, 2014, 10:27:53 pm

Title: 'Parlor' like section
Post by: Umbrella Corp on November 08, 2014, 10:27:53 pm
This ones for you, arnie.  In lue of the whole site having a parlor atmosphere, why don't you make a section with a 'parlor' atmosphere for reputable gentlemen such as yourself.  ;D
Title: Re: 'Parlor' like section
Post by: Σ on November 08, 2014, 10:30:22 pm
This would actually be kind of fun. Something like a reverse HB where you get kicked out for being to rowdy.

A classy place for classy people.
Title: Re: 'Parlor' like section
Post by: BallsDeep69 on November 09, 2014, 04:09:43 am
*claps approvingly*
Title: Re: 'Parlor' like section
Post by: baby raper on November 09, 2014, 04:17:27 am
Only gentlemen and scholars in here.  nigger, grab me a cigar and your strongest nosh.
Title: Re: 'Parlor' like section
Post by: fanglekai on November 09, 2014, 05:26:47 am
i made another thread about this. you all should come in for a drink.
Title: Re: 'Parlor' like section
Post by: Arnox on November 09, 2014, 05:42:26 am
It sounds good on paper but... That sounds suspiciously like the Senior Members sub-forum that went over so well on totse2.
Title: Re: 'Parlor' like section
Post by: fanglekai on November 09, 2014, 05:52:13 am
uh wtf?
Title: Re: 'Parlor' like section
Post by: Arnox on November 09, 2014, 05:58:54 am
uh wtf?

Not your thread, dummy. I'm talking about the OP.
Title: Re: 'Parlor' like section
Post by: fanglekai on November 09, 2014, 06:00:53 am
uh wtf?

Not your thread, dummy. I'm talking about the OP.
fuck you nigger. respond properly.
Title: Re: 'Parlor' like section
Post by: mmmmmmmQuestions on November 09, 2014, 06:16:16 am
nothing rhymes with parlor so fuck you all
Title: Re: 'Parlor' like section
Post by: Σ on November 09, 2014, 07:11:45 am
Maybe it would be better if once in a while we just had parlor threads in sg and shit. If you want the classy parlor atmosphere make it a thing around the forum I know id join in. Dont rely on us mods or admins to sanction it. Just do it.
Title: Re: 'Parlor' like section
Post by: Slave of the Beast on November 09, 2014, 09:04:37 am
Forum Name:
Beta Bitch Gentlemens' Club.

Forum Description:
Flower arranging in the morning. Tea and cucumber sandwiches in the afternoon. Smoking jackets and fine cognac in the evening. A universal haven for the easily offended, passive-aggressive, 'nice' people who feel the world of uninhibited free speech is simply too brutal and uncivilized. Intemperate language, strong opinions, blunt statements (even if irrefutably rational), criticism, sardonic wit and contempt for simple-mindedness are all heavily frowned upon and may result in tear-stained upholstery.


*Washes hands.*

My work here is done.
Title: Re: 'Parlor' like section
Post by: BallsDeep69 on November 10, 2014, 05:33:58 am
Forum Name:
Beta Bitch Gentlemens' Club. 

Forum Description:Flower arranging in the morning. Tea and cucumber sandwiches in the afternoon. Smoking jackets and fine cognac in the evening. A universal haven for the easily offended, passive-aggressive, 'nice' people who feel the world of uninhibited free speech is simply too brutal and uncivilized. Intemperate language, strong opinions, blunt statements (even if irrefutably rational), criticism, sardonic wit and contempt for simple-mindedness are all heavily frowned upon and may result in tear-stained upholstery.

*Washes hands.*

My work here is done.       
Can we add. 
                                                                       Extra Tidbits

Here we call ciggaretts "fags" and sex "shagging". Any offenders to these rules will be put in the special group of "Uneducated Wankers". We also act very British in here so we have tea and say "I haven't the foggiest" when we don't get something, That's concludes The Extra Tidbits Addition.
Title: Re: 'Parlor' like section
Post by: Σ on November 10, 2014, 06:42:59 am
Considering making a parlor sticky thread in SG. Or monthly parlor thread editions in which we can act all parlor like. In order for it to work the way a classy parlor thread would work in that posts not made in the "parlor thread" style are discouraged or removed. Im thinking the introduction would be a merge of slave and balls post.

What do yall think?
Title: Re: 'Parlor' like section
Post by: BallsDeep69 on November 10, 2014, 09:53:45 am
Considering making a parlor sticky thread in SG. Or monthly parlor thread editions in which we can act all parlor like. In order for it to work the way a classy parlor thread would work in that posts not made in the "parlor thread" style are discouraged or removed. Im thinking the introduction would be a merge of slave and balls post.

What do yall think?
